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When those Signers of the Declaration wrote the words ...firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,...a school child can see, if the teacher shows him, how close this is saying they put their trust in God to help them accomplish what they believed to be the will of God....! See First John chapter 5 verses 12 through 14, ie 1John 12:14. The Signers also did everything possible for them to do in the natural. They pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to one another in support of their intent. This fulfills another scripture which teaches us to do all we can do and then stand firm in hope and trust towards God. See Ephesians 6:13 where it says, ...and having done all (you can do), then stand firm (in the grace of God trusting Him to make it sufficient.) Christ is our sufficiency, especially when we are not presumptuous but pay the price we are given to do.

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Q: What did Thomas Jefferson mean when he wrote with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence?
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