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Both were emperors who substantially changed the course Roman Empire--Augustus finished the transition between Republic and Empire, and Constantine revitalized and reorganized the Empire significantly in its later days, laying the foundation for the Byzantine Empire, which survived the fall of Rome and hung around until the 1400's.

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They both supported Christianity. However, through most of his reign, Constantine also promoted the cult of |Apollo/Sol Invictus (Undefeated Sun). Constantine never carried out persecutions. Theodosius persecuted the dissident Christian doctrines which rejected the creed of the trinity of mainstream Christianity and the pagasns

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Q: What did Roman emperors Constantine and Theodosius I have in common?
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Which roman leader made Christianity accept throughout the empire?

Your question can be answered with two Roman emperors, depending on what you mean by accept. Constantine made Christianity legal, which made it an acceptable religion. Theodosius I made Christianity mandatory, which meant that everyone had to accept Christianity.Your question can be answered with two Roman emperors, depending on what you mean by accept. Constantine made Christianity legal, which made it an acceptable religion. Theodosius I made Christianity mandatory, which meant that everyone had to accept Christianity.Your question can be answered with two Roman emperors, depending on what you mean by accept. Constantine made Christianity legal, which made it an acceptable religion. Theodosius I made Christianity mandatory, which meant that everyone had to accept Christianity.Your question can be answered with two Roman emperors, depending on what you mean by accept. Constantine made Christianity legal, which made it an acceptable religion. Theodosius I made Christianity mandatory, which meant that everyone had to accept Christianity.Your question can be answered with two Roman emperors, depending on what you mean by accept. Constantine made Christianity legal, which made it an acceptable religion. Theodosius I made Christianity mandatory, which meant that everyone had to accept Christianity.Your question can be answered with two Roman emperors, depending on what you mean by accept. Constantine made Christianity legal, which made it an acceptable religion. Theodosius I made Christianity mandatory, which meant that everyone had to accept Christianity.Your question can be answered with two Roman emperors, depending on what you mean by accept. Constantine made Christianity legal, which made it an acceptable religion. Theodosius I made Christianity mandatory, which meant that everyone had to accept Christianity.Your question can be answered with two Roman emperors, depending on what you mean by accept. Constantine made Christianity legal, which made it an acceptable religion. Theodosius I made Christianity mandatory, which meant that everyone had to accept Christianity.Your question can be answered with two Roman emperors, depending on what you mean by accept. Constantine made Christianity legal, which made it an acceptable religion. Theodosius I made Christianity mandatory, which meant that everyone had to accept Christianity.

How did christaninty play a role in the roman empire?

Christianity was endorsed by the emperors in the Later Roman Empire. All but one of the emperors after Constantine the Great were Christians. The co-emperors Gratian and Theodosius I made mainstream Christianity the state religion of the empire. Theodosius I also persecuted dissident Christian doctrines, tighten and added to anti-pagan laws which previous emperors had introduced, destroyed pagan temples and shrines and persecuted the pagans. Christianity became the dominant religion of the empire.

How many emperors were named Constantine?

Constantine I (or the Great) was the 57th Roman emperor.

What two emperors tried to restore the roman empire?

The two emperors who tried to restore order in the Roman Empire were Diocletian and Constantine I (or the Great).

How is Constantine different from earlier Roman emperors?

he did not not conquer other civilizations

Who were Constantine and Augustus Caesar?

Both were Great Roman Emperors who contributed much to the Roman Empire.

Who split the roman empire into two parts in ad 330?

Constantine split the Roman Empire into the Holy Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire. It should be noted however that the emperor Diocletian (284-305 AD ) made this easier as he was the first to divide the empire into two parts, a western and eastern empire to be ruled separately. The emperors who followed Constantine, Julian and Theodosius I, made permanent the division of the Roman Empire into an eastern and western half.

Who was the roman emperor who made christianity the state religion?

Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the state religion.

What Roman ruler first adopted Christianity as Roman official religion?

For what was suppose to be Christianity was instituted by Constatine. that answer is wrong the first roman ruler to adopt Christianity as roman official religion was Theodosius They are both right, Constatine 1 and theodosius 1

What year did Constantine legalize Christianity in the Roman Empire?

No year. Constantine never declared Christianity as the official religion of the Roman empire. All he did was to make it a legal religion. It was not declared the official religion until 381 under Theodosius I.

What did all the Roman emperors have in common?

roman rulers

Who was the most favorite emperor in the roman empire?

It depends on the time when an individual lived, but looking back in history, we can conclude that Trajan was the most popular and favoured of the emperors. There were many amiable emperors, but he is known to have been the most popular with the masses. Other favourite emperors (again, looking back), were Augustus, Claudius, Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius, Constantine, etc., etc., etc., etc. Those are some of the famous ones.