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Tagore's "The Religion of the Forest" is an excellent essay in which the essayist beautifully delineates the influence of forest on Indian classical literature as well as the affinities between the forest and the people of India. The essay begins with Tagore's ideal realization that the ideal of perfection preached by the forest-dwellers of ancient India runs through the heart of Indian classical literature and still dominates the mind of the Indian people. Kalidasa's "Shakuntala" and Bhavabhuti's "Uttar-Ramacharita" find their background in scenes of the forest hermitage

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Maria Thomas

Lvl 2
3y ago

Rabindraji says that the forest which is our mother is a teacher who provides us the knowledge of it's religion- unity and compassion the keywords to the making of this wonderful world. Indian sages and the literary lights have shown the harmonious relationship of the forest with literature, the different literary works have shown the close lying relationship with this world of life. In this essay rabindraji has rightfully pointed out the different stands that literature holds in our forest lives the heart curdling symphony to the lives and products have brought about our enlightening tendencies into the front. The upanishades, shakuntala, Ritusamhara and all famous works are living proof of this influence. Their plots show their unhindered love for nature and it's attractive tendency that brings all life forms to it's ring of control. Harmony is a by product of the contrary forces of Harmony ,attraction and repulsion. Nature is a sacred symbol of our lives that has to be closely guarded against the dark forces of death. It empasisee the significance of forest in Indian life and culture.

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3y ago

The truth of our life depends upon our attitude of mind towards it-an attitude which is formed by our habit of dealing with it according to the special circumstances of our surroundings and our temperaments. We stand before a great world. And thus, in our realization of the truth of existence, we put our emphasis either upon the principle of dualism or upon the principle of unity.

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Q: What did Rabindranath Tagore say in his prose 'the religion of the forest'expiain it in brief?
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