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She was amazing in every way possible! =) She was the coolest of the cats. She knows how to rock the boat ;) got prego at age 15 and had 8 children b4 she was 23 .... Hope it helps! =)

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Q: What did Cybil Ludington do that was important to the revolutionary war?
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Did Sybil ludington go to high school or college?

sybil ludington was not educated unlike her brothers

Did Sybil Ludington go to college and if yes where?

Sybil Ludington was a brave woman who played a very important role during the American Revolutionary War. When she was only 16 years old she rode during a whole night in order to alert the Revolutionary forces the enemy were approaching. However, since it was not customary for women to attend school back then, she didn't attend college.

What sixteen year old girl rode to tell Americans of a British attack during the revolutionary war?

Her name is Sybil Ludington

Sybil ludington's horse?

Sybil Ludington's horse was a mare named Star. She rode for over 40 miles in the dark to alert American colonial forces of an impending British attack during the Revolutionary War, following in the footsteps of Paul Revere.

Why was Sybil Ludingtona hero at the revolutionary war?

She was famous for her 40 mile ride to tell every militiamen to gather at mr. Ludington's house.

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The British, Germans and the French were the important Europeans in the revolutionary war.

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cybil ackerman, tony agnotti and Simon newton

Where did sybil ludington go to college?

Sybil Ludington lived during the Revolutionary War. There is no record of her attending college, or any school. It is likely she never received any formal education, especially secondary, as this practice was nearly nonexistent for women at the time.

What was the important of lexington and concord?

It was the turning point of the Revolutionary War.

What was America's most important war?

The revolutionary war.

Did sybil ludington go to school?

sybil ludington was not educated unlike her brothers

Were there any important wars in the Revolutionary War?

There were no wars happening within the Revolutionary War. The only actual war that was going on at this exact time and place was the Revolutionary War.