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He passed the Indian Removal Act in 1830 which helped America expand into the west.

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Q: What did Andrew Jackson do for Manifest destiny?
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How did Andrew Jackson play a part in manifest destiny?

shut up loser

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Andrew Jackson won the election Andrew Jackson won the election Andrew Jackson won the election Andrew Jackson won the election Andrew Jackson won the election Andrew Jackson won the election Andrew Jackson won the election

President Andrew Jackson reflected policies and practices surrounding the following?

Indian Removal, the Democratic party, and "Manifest Destiny"

What US president proclaimed manifest destiny to remove the Indian?

Andrew Jackson passed the Indian removal act.

What did James K. Polk do for Manifest destiny?

James k. Polk was a president after Andrew Jackson, they both where a very big part of the manifest destiny, James k. Polk was the one who believed in them and encouraged them during the things that he/she had a hard time with the things that they did. James K. Polk was the person who incouraged them and he also was oppart of the manifest destiny and so was andrew jackson after he wasent president james k. polk took his place. hope this helps :)

Was Andrew Jackson running the government good?

That would be an opinion. Jackson believed in a strong central government instead of state's rights and "manifest destiny." These issues shaped his presidency.

Who were important people during manifest destiny?

Richard jackson

What is when Americans thought they had the right to expand from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean?

Manifest Destiny.

What describes the idea that it was God and plan for US expand across the continent?

manifest destiny

What was the belief that God intended for America to extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific?

Manifest Destiny

What is the name for the political period dominated by Indian removal from the East the development of the Democratic party and the concept of Manifest Destiny?

The period is known as the Age of Jackson, referring to US President Andrew Jackson, who was in office from March 4, 1829 to March 4, 1837.

The belief that Americans had a right or duty to migrate westward was referred to as?

manifest destiny