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Which Gulf War? There were at least three of them.

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Q: What day and month did the gulf war start in?
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What day did the gulf war start for the US?

August 2, 1990.

Why did the u.s. start the gulf war?

Which gulf war? There were 3 of them.

What month day did waorld war 2 start?

01 Sept 1939

What month day did the world war 2 start?

September 1 1939.

What day month and year did World War 2 start?

September 1st 1939

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Which gulf war? There were three of them in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Haw did the gulf war start?

Which one? There were at least three.

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When Did The Gulf War Start and End?

Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988/89).

In which year was the start of the gulf war?

1990. August 2 to be precise.

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Where did the golf war start?

persian Gulf War also called Gulf War, (1990-91) international conflict was triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990