Al Capone's wealth was generated through illegal enterprises, such as gambling and prostitution, Most of it was from liquor sales as it was during the Prohibition and illegal.
What the sent him to prison for was income tax evasion and other violations of the Volstead Act.
Al Capone was put in jail for Tax Evasion~ the government knew he was getting lots of income (alcohol and prostitution) and they had to try and pin in all back to him (thats why it took so long). Even though he had committed murders and was selling illegal alcohol they could only put him in jail for Tax Evasion.
Tax evasion.
no one had any solid proof that Al Capone did murder all those people, or smuggled all those booz. For people who did see, Al Capone's men would bribe them, even officers! Later when Police finally caught him, they couldn't really put him in prison for what they suspected him of. After a lot of thought they put him in jail for taxation, (I think it's spelt like that...) it means that Al Capone, the greatest of all gang leader got caught by not paying his taxes!
santa claus
Al Capone was important to history because he was the biggers badest gangster of his time and was consitered a "crime boss"
They arrested Capone on tax evasion.
Tax evasion.
While in Alcatraz, Al Capone was inmate 85.
Going jail
Crime Stories - 1998 Al Capone was released on: USA: 13 March 2000
no one had any solid proof that Al Capone did murder all those people, or smuggled all those booz. For people who did see, Al Capone's men would bribe them, even officers! Later when Police finally caught him, they couldn't really put him in prison for what they suspected him of. After a lot of thought they put him in jail for taxation, (I think it's spelt like that...) it means that Al Capone, the greatest of all gang leader got caught by not paying his taxes!
santa claus
Al Capone did.
The violence of Al Capone and other organized crime leaders reduced support for Prohibition.
Tax hogging
al capone
He was in jail for 9999 years (he got very brored)
Al Capone was important to history because he was the biggers badest gangster of his time and was consitered a "crime boss"