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Lenin created the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (the USSR or Soviet Union) after the Russian Civil war ended in 1923-1924.

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Q: What country did Lenin create when the communists won the Russian civil war?
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Which new state did lenin and the communists formally created in 1922?

what state did lenin create

How did the civil war end in Soviet Union?

The Red Russian forces eventually defeated the White Russian forces, leaving Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik Party in complete command of the country. The Red forces consisted of the Bolsheviks (later named Communists) and their supporters under Lenin, Trotsky and others. The White forces consisted of various units of the former Russian army and their supporters who either wanted to restore the Tsar to the throne or just get rid of the Bolsheviks and create a democratic nation.

Who were the Russian revoluntionaries that took control of the government in November 1917?

The Revolutionaries were known as Bolsheviks under the leadership of Lenin. In March 1918 they changed their name to Communists.

What group did Vladimir Lenin represent?

Lenin represented the Bolsheviks. After they succeeded in the Revolution, they changed their name to Communists.

What did Lenin turn the country of Russian into?

The U.S.S.R., or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Why was Vladimin Lenin famous?

Vladimir Illytch Ulianov alias Lenin, along with Lev Bronstein, alias Trotsky, were the leaders of the Communists in the Russian Revolution of 1917. Lenin went on to lead Russia until 1924 & Trotsky was murdered in Mexico City in 1936.

During the Russian Revolution what was Lenin's communist group?

Lenin's Communist group was known as the Bolshevik Party. After the revolution, in March 1918, the Bolshevik Party changed its name to the Communist Party and from then on were known as communists instead of Bolsheviks.

Who was the leader of the communists who ordered the death of the Russian Romanov family?

Vladimir Lenin led the communists and made the final decision to murder the entire Romanov family, although he was very careful to keep his name out of official records.

What sort of public support did the rebels in the Russian revolution find?

The army supported Lenin and the Bolsheviks, because they were tired of the war against Germany (WW1). Lenin had a small group of intellectuals and revolutionaries who spearheaded the revolution. The peasantry was split in its support between Lenin and the old regime, so there was a Russian Civil War from 1917 to 1923. The communists won.

Who inspired the Russian Revolution of 1917?

Lenin inspired the Russian Revolution of 1917.Lenin

Why did Lenin create communists international?

Lenin created the Communist International in order to have an organization that would coordinate socialist and communist revolutionary movements in as many countries worldwide as possible. This was in keeping with Marxian doctrine that a single true communist state could not survive if surrounded by capitalist states.

What year did Vladimir Lenin lead the Russian Revolution?

It was 1917 when Lenin and the Bolsheviks in a nearly bloodless coup took over the Provisional Government that had been in place since the February 1917 revolution. The Provisional Government was dissolved and Lenin assumed power in Russia. It wasn't until 1920 that his hold on Russia was solidified, because the Russian Civil War soon broke out and lasted until 1920.