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Q: What country came into conflict with the zulu over territory?
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What country came into conflict with zulu over territory?

the netherlands

What was the first US territory to spill blood in an internal conflict over slavery?

The 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act caused an internal conflict. As a territory, Kansas was the first territory to have an armed and bloody conflict over slavery.

Why is the Arab-Israeli Conflict over territory?

The majority of conflicts the world-over are over territory. It makes sense that the Arab-Israeli conflict is over territory as well. It would be surprising if it were not. To read about other causes of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, see the Related Question below.

What is the causes of American wars?

Conflict over territory.

Why did the Dutch come into conflict with the Zulu?

They disagreed over territory.

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What is the principle that led to conflict over slavery in Kansas and Nebraska territory?

Popular Sovereignity

In what region are Arabs in conflict with Jews?

Arabs and Jews are in conflict over the territory of the former British Mandate of Palestine in the Middle East.

What are the roots of the conflict in Belgium?

The roots of the conflict in Belgium began in 1830 when French aristocrats took over the country. When the people came from France, there was no real cultural or political roots with the natives that already occupied the land.

What is the country with the most territory?

Russia is the country with the most territory, covering over 17 million square kilometers.

What two groups are in conflict over claims to Palestinian territory?

Jews and Palestinians.

How Jews came over this country?

It depends which country 'this country' is.