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The major members were Germany, Italy and Japan. The military-contributing minor members were Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. Cobelligerents were Thailand, Finland, Iraq and San Marino. There were also a number of Axis client states such as Manchuria, Slovakia and Croatia. Several nations were also not members of the Axis powers but were cooperating in a way that made their neutrality questionable (Vichy France, Spain, Sweden etc)

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Q: What countries were in the axis alliance during World War 2?
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What did Germany Italy and japan formed?

They formed the triple alliance .

The axis alliance during World War 2?

Germany, Italy and Japan

What alliance did the Axis powers sign during World War 2?

German and japan

What was the axis powers?

During WWII, the Axis Powers were three countries - Germany, Japan, and Italy. They were on one side during the war. The other side was the Allies - America, England, France, Russia, and China.

Who were axis nations?

If you are referring to the Axis Powers during World War II, the three major countries included Germany, Japan, and Italy. However, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and many other countries participated, too. The Axis Powers was a Military Alliance opposed to the Allies.

When did the allies arrive in World War 2?

The allies didn't "arrive." They were the first and only enemy of the Axis, the alliance of all countries against Hitler and the Axis.

Which military alliance's face each other during World War 2?

They were called the Allies and the Axis.

What 3 major countries agreed to a military alliance known as the axis in world war 2?

Germany, Japan and Italy

What were the three main countries that belonged to the alliance known as the Axis in World War 2?

It would be Germany, Italy, and Japan

What countries made up the axis powers during Georgia?

Do you mean 'during World War 2'? The 1938 alliance between Germany and Italy was described as the Rome-Berlin Axis. After 1941, when the Axis Powers were fighting the same group of countries as Japan was, Tokyo was treated as another Axis Power, even though the metaphor limped (think of an axle with three wheels going off in three directions, if you can imagine it).

What is the Axis Powers during World War ll?

The Axis powers were the countries that were allies of Nazi Germany.

Who did japan form a partnership with that created the axis powers?

During World War II Japan made a partnership(alliance) with Germany and Italy forming the axis powers.