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French do not wear any special clothes on Bastille, just normal relaxed summer clothes suitable to the weather on that particular day.

During special events such as the military parade or the Tour de France cycling race, they might sport small national flags or tricolor rosettes also in the blue, white, red colors of the national flag.
blue, white, and red

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What is Bastille day actually celebrated for?

Bastille Day is the French national holiday for the French independence movement (i.e: French Revolution).

What is Bastille day actually celebrating?

Bastille Day is the French national holiday for the French independence movement (i.e: French Revolution).

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No, Bastille Day is celebrated only in France, as it commemorates the French Revolution which led to the foundation of the French Republic.

Is Bastille Day celebrated in France?

Bastille Day is celebrated in every French city and village.

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The French refer their national holiday, La Fête Nationale - Bastille Day - as 'Le Quatorze Juillet'.'Happy Bastille Day' is expressed as 'Joyeux Le Quatorze Juillet!'See links below for further information on this annual festival.

Which day marks the fall of Bastille?

Bastille Day, which is always the 14th of July. It marks the fall of Bastille in the French Revolution in 1789.

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The French National Day commemorates the beginning of the French Revolution with the Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789.

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The famous French prison during the french revolotion is called the Bastille and they celebrate it as the Bastille day.

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The French celebrate Bastille Day.

Who started Bastille Day?

Bastille Day is the national holiday of France. It began on July 14, 1880 and is held to honor the beginning of the French Revolution with the Storming of Bastille.

What does the Bastille Day mark?

Bastille day is the French National Holiday that marks the start of the French Revolution, which began on the 14th of July, 1789. On this day, the French prison and medieval fortress known as the Bastille, was stormed. It represented the royal authority that the people hated.

What is The French national holiday?

Bastille day