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Q: What civil war amendment granted equal protection under the law and applied the bill of rights to the states?
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The ninth amendment guarantees?

the 9th amendment granted "says the people have many rights that are not stated in the Constitution.

What amendment to the constitution that granted all blacks rights to us citizens?

the 14 amendment

Which amendment requires that every state grant its citizens equal protection of the laws?

The 14th amendment prevents states from denying any citizen equal protection under the law. No state may pass a law which would abridge the rights granted US citizens by the Constitution.

Amendment that granted civil rights to blacks?

There were a few amendments that extended civil rights in the United States. Amendments 1-10 established most civil rights, the 13th ended slavery, the 14th amendment required equal protection and rights under law, the 15th amendment banned denying equal rights based on race, and the 19th amendment gave women the right to vote.

Why were women upset after the amendment 15?

African-Americans were given rights not granted to them

Why is the Fourteenth Amendment called the second Bill of Rights?

The 14th Amendment granted citizenship to "all persons born or naturalized in the United States, including former slaves. Therefore, the original Bill of Rights became their Bill of Rights, too.

What Amendment applied the guarantee of the bill of rights to the states?

The 10th amendment to the United States Constitution applies the Bill of Rights to the states. The amendment is a guarantee to all US citizens.

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution established equal protection of civil rights to all citizens?

That was the fourteenth amendment.

How did the 14th and 15th amendment change the constitution?

The 14th Amendment outlawed slavery and granted civil rights and liberties to African-Americans. The 15th Amendment prohibited the government from denying a citizen the right to vote based on race.

Which of these is one of the civil rights granted under the First Amendment?

The 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution grants important civil rights. These are the civil rights to religion, speech, petition, assembly and press.

What year did the 15th amendment begin national protection of suffrage rights?


What has the US Supreme Court done with the Bill of Rights one clause at a time?

Using the process of "selective incorporation," the US Supreme Court has applied most of the Bill of Rights to the States via the Fourteenth Amendment Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses. The Second and Seventh Amendment have not yet been incorporated.