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Q: What city was known as the center of Greek theater?
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How was ancient Greek theater funded?

Some Greek theater was funded by the city state. However a Choregus was a wealthy individual that would supply what was not covered by the state.

What Greek city was the center for most ancient Greek achievements?


Which city replaced Athens as the center of Greek culture?


Ancient Greek city that served as public meeting place marketplace and civic center?

an ancient Greek city-state that served as public meeting place, marketplace, and civic center

What is polis?

Polis is the Greek word for political city-state. The term refers to the political, social and cultural center of the different Greek city-states.

What are Greek city-states known as?


The city-state that was the center of classical Greek philosophy and thought?


What is at the center of Greek civilization?

The Acropolis is the center of Greek life because it was in the center of Athens and that is where everyone voted for rulers. It is also where they put on plays to show the current events.

Where is the Minskoff theater located?

The Minskoff Theatre is a well known theater that is famous for many different things. The Miskoff Theatre is a theater that is located in New York City.

The most important institution in Greece was the city state also known as what in Greek?

polis. Its the greek name for city.

Who is the Greek god of theater?

In the Greek mythology, Dyonisus, the God of wine and grape harvest, although not extrictly the God of theater, it was during the festivities dedicated to him that the dramatic representations took place, during the festivals called 'City Dionysia'.

What Greek city was known to love military?
