Plymouth and London were usually bombed.
London - Capital city
Plymouth - Lots of ships
During World War 2, they targeted the people of the Jewish religion.
the jews
Jews, Russians, Chinese, Poles
hiroshima and nagasaki
The name 'World War' suggests, as indeed was the case, that most of the world was involved.
Most likely London, England, and Berlin, Germany. However, Schweinfurt, Germany and Tokyo, Japan also are likely candidates for the most targeted cities.
Japan. The cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were targeted.
Total Warfare. Essentially, not only was it soldiers fighting, but civilians were targeted too, such as bombing raids on cities.
Shipyards and factories in Scotland were targeted.
hiroshima and nakasaki.
yes bombers targeted military bases and war factories as well as airfields but civilian citites were targeted too
Yes. It was the first war where civilians were targeted. The number of combatant countries that could attack each other's cities added to the civilian devasation.
During World War 2, they targeted the people of the Jewish religion.
it is beacuse austrilians are untrianed
the jews
my but