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he cleaned the house

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Q: What chores did George Washington do growing up?
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What did George Washington work as when he was growing up?

he was a planter and slave holder

What dreams did George Washington have while growing up?

he dreamed to have people in a better life

What was hard for George Washington growing up?

It's not known what was hard for George Washington when he was growing up because most of his childhood isn't well documented. It is know, however, that he lost his father when he was 11 and was raised by his brother and his wife afterwards.

What was George Washington Carvers first name?

Growing up George Had been known as Carver George. When he started school he went by the name: "George Carver". He later added the W and told his friends it was Washington. That's how he got the name "George Washington Carver"

What were some failures or struggles George Washington He had growing up?

To get past all of his other brothers an sisters.

Where did George Washington grown up?

where did George Washington grown up at

George Washington How was his life growing up and in school?

He had a good life (comparatively). And he was bullied in 5th grade but had friends i think

What did George Washington want to do when he was growing up?

When George Washington was growing up, he wanted to become a sailor and join the British Royal Navy. However, his mother opposed this idea, and he eventually pursued a career in land surveying and later became a military leader during the American Revolutionary War.

Who did George Washington look up to as a child?

George Washington looked up to his father and also to Ben Franklin.

What was it like growing up for George Washington's Carver?

he had many hardships, his house burned down when he was eight years old and his father died when he was eleven

What was george Washington cause of death?

look up WHY DID George Washington DIE on and if that doesn't work, look it up in Google

How did George Washington Carver get rid of slavery?

He did not get rid of slavery--that happened after the Civil War. What he did do was overcome growing up in a sharecropping family to become a renowned researcher and teacher at Tuskegee.