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America became an Independent Country

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Q: What changed in history of the Revolutionary War?
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What changed during the Revolutionary War?

time past by and life changed on its own

What are the release dates for History's Mysteries - 1998 Spies of the Revolutionary War?

History's Mysteries - 1998 Spies of the Revolutionary War was released on: USA: 1999

Why do we call The Revolutionary War revolutionary?

Beacause it was revolutionary . It changed alot of things in this country without it we wouldn't be the same as we are today

Where might you find the information you need for the Revolutionary War?

GOOGLE! if you want some info on the history just type "revolutionary war history" or the events..."revolutionary war timeline".works every time. hope this helps you. -coliam

What was the war that ended the royal period of Georgia's history?

hey ANSWER The Revolutionary War.

How did the Revolutionary War change families?

the revolutionary war changed families by splitting families apart and changes for a life time if one of the relatives die...

What war marked a turning point in American history?

Probably the Civil War or Revolutionary War.

Was the Revolutionary War in the colonial time period?

The Revolutionary War and its conclusion marks the end of the colonial period of American history by most historical standards.

What were the two most effective battles in the history of the United States?

Revolutionary War and The Civil war

Why was Cleopatra important briefly?

Cleopatra was semi-important because she was the excuse that Octavian had for going to war with Antony. That war was the war that changed history and established our western values.Cleopatra was semi-important because she was the excuse that Octavian had for going to war with Antony. That war was the war that changed history and established our western values.Cleopatra was semi-important because she was the excuse that Octavian had for going to war with Antony. That war was the war that changed history and established our western values.Cleopatra was semi-important because she was the excuse that Octavian had for going to war with Antony. That war was the war that changed history and established our western values.Cleopatra was semi-important because she was the excuse that Octavian had for going to war with Antony. That war was the war that changed history and established our western values.Cleopatra was semi-important because she was the excuse that Octavian had for going to war with Antony. That war was the war that changed history and established our western values.Cleopatra was semi-important because she was the excuse that Octavian had for going to war with Antony. That war was the war that changed history and established our western values.Cleopatra was semi-important because she was the excuse that Octavian had for going to war with Antony. That war was the war that changed history and established our western values.Cleopatra was semi-important because she was the excuse that Octavian had for going to war with Antony. That war was the war that changed history and established our western values.

How would history be changed is the British Colonies had lost the Revolutionary War?

This is undoubtuble a good question and i believe as a professer that it would be changed by the simple fact that Britain would rule us let foreingers in more and have a better grasp on the states economi

How does Canada's history differ from that of the US?

it achieved independence without a revolutionary war