The economy had rebounded during World War 2. The country now had to train, educate and employ 2 million men and 300,000 women returning from the war. Many of the service people married after the war. They needed jobs, homes and cars. The US created the GI bill to benefit the soldiers with medical care, ability to go to college and buy homes. The bill is a lot more comprehensive than that but you get the basic idea. Another problem was to restore the war manufacturing companies to manufacture what they were making prior to the war. The government did help some of them do that. War armament manufacturers had to adjust to the reduced orders. Military equipment and planes, ships and boats had to be recycled or reused in the Korean War. Women had to give up their war jobs and readjust to that too. The economy continued to transform and grow until the 1970s.
President Truman faced many challenges in domestic affairs at home. For example, he was faced with leading the transition into a post-war society after the defeat of Japan.
Labor Unions going on strike were some of the domestic affairs at home that President Truman faced.
Harry S Truman
U.S. president? That was Truman.
Eisenhower accept much of Truman's foreign policy.
Harry Truman was the President when the Korean War began, The began as a police action by the newly formed United Nation.
Harry S. Truman was elected president in 1944. President Truman died in 1972 at the age of 88 in Kansas City, Missouri.
Truman's biggest domestic problem would be the fact that he, being the predecessor of F.D.R who helped bring the country up and out of the Depression, was in F.D.R's shadow. He felt he needed to sustain the country as well as F.D.R did.
It was the Fair Deal.
Harry S Truman
The Fair Deal was the name given to President Harry Truman's domestic program. Building on Roosevelt's New Deal, Truman believed that the federal government should guarantee economic opportunity and social stability. He struggled to achieve those ends in the face of fierce political opposition from legislators determined to reduce the role of government.
U.S. president? That was Truman.
Truman directed security agencies to screen employees for signs of disloyalty.
President Truman was a President of the United States.
Harry S. Truman
The seizure of the nation's steel mills by President Harry Truman was declared unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court. This decision brought to the forefront two opposing views about the US Constitution. Truman's view was that a president had legal authority, inherent in the Constitution to act on his own to protect the nation. This meant on both international and domestic affairs. President Lincoln used this "authority" many times during the US Civil War. However, the Court saw things differently in Truman's day. In this case, no situation, no matter how dire, can be a cause to violate the Constitution.
Had disagreed with president Truman Had disagreed with president Truman
Eisenhower accept much of Truman's foreign policy.