The reason why there are high birth rates in less economically developed countries like Africa is because there are not enough money to purchase sexual protection materials (condoms). Another reason is because some people do not have their mind sets right and set high targets for having the amounts of babies. Also, some decide they want to keep having SEX until they get twins/triplets or more.
reasons for high birth rates due to lack off food
high or increased birth rate.
It is when too many people have babies and the population of the world explodes, similar to that of a mass destruction bomb and it causes pollution.
Birth rate is the rate at which the population grows in a certain country. This evaluation is usually based on crude birth rate which is average annual birth rate per 1000 persons at mid year. According to CIA world fact book, Indonesia's birth rate was 17.38 births/1000 population on December 6, 2013.
portugals life expectancy rate...males:76..females:82:) $!ll33 n@$t33:)
Lack of education
Killer whales have a low birth rate
1.low level of education
Demographic transition
if birth rate continues our world will become over populated!
No, it is actually the opposite. A high birth rate and a low death rate leads to increased populations.
this is because the have a lower rate of contreseption use
Causes of infant mortality rate in India include inadequate access to healthcare services, malnutrition, poor sanitation and hygiene practices, lack of education and awareness among parents, and limited resources in rural areas. Additionally, factors such as preterm birth, birth defects, and infections also contribute to the high infant mortality rate in India.
reasons for high birth rates due to lack off food
It is a lie. They haven't a rate like that.