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General Lee never meant to prevent the capture of Fredericksburg by the Union army. He planned to delay their advance by forcing some house to house fighting in the almost deserted city of Fredericksburg. Lee's troops did finally retreat after a massive barrage of 150 Union artillery blasts.

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Q: What caused the retreat of Confederate soldiers from the defense of Fredericksburg in 1862?
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What were 3 outcomes of the Battle of Gettysburg?

The Union (North) won the battle over the Confederacy (South), about 7,500 soldiers were killed from both sides of the armies, and the site of the battle is where Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address.

What did the Romans do to their soldiers when they lost a battle?

If they survived then do a strategic retreat back to base or to a better position. Or surrender.

Battle between inexperienced troops resulted in a confederate victoy and a retreat of union solders?

First Manassas, or First Bull Run

Why did Cortes destroy all his ships but one at veracruz?

Cortes did not want any possible chance of retreat in ship from his soldiers

What caused Union General George B. McClellan to retreat in the face of continued Rebel attacks?

McClellan seemed convinced that the Southern forces must outnumber his own, given the number of soldiers they committed to each harassment of the Union offensive. Being worried about losing a major battle (and thereby emboldening Rebel attacks on the North), McClellan consistently failed to exploit his opportunities, seeking overwhelming numerical advantage. His retreat down the Virginia Peninsula allowed the new Confederate commander Robert E. Lee to strengthen the defenses of Richmond.

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How long was the wagon train of wounded confederate soldiers on the retreat from Gettysburg?

17 miles long

What caused Union gunboats stationed at Port Royal to retreat in December of 1862?

As the US Civil War Battle of Fredericksburg approached in December of 1862, Union gunboats stationed at Port Royal, South Carolina were deemed to be vulnerable by the Confederates. With this opportunity, Confederate General D H. Hill used artillery to bombard their positions, forcing them to retreat.

What is another name for the confederate battle cry that is two words and starts with an r?

Correct answer: rebel yell Incorrect answer: Retreat! Retreat!

When did William tell his soldiers of the retreat tactic?


What forced Confederate to retreat back into Virginia on September 1862?

Their defeat by McClellan at Antietam.

Did the Confederate side retreat or advance in the Battle of Fort Sumter?

In the April 1861 the battle of Fort Sumter led to the Union's surrender of the fort to Confederate forces.

How did Molly pitcher help the American soldiers after they were ordered to retreat?

because molly did know what to do and the american soldiers helped molly

General Meade forced Confederate troops to retreat from Pennsylvania at the battle of?

General Meade made the Confederates retreat from Gettysburg on October 1, 1863.

What were the expectations of Confederate General Robert E. Lee immediately after the Battle of Fredericksburg?

After the Battle of Frederickburg, Burnside was forced to retreat. Lee had hoped to continue the battle. Burnside, also wanted to reengage the Confederates the following day, but his commanders talked him out of it. Burnside waited for two days and requested from Lee a temporary truce in order for both sides to collect the dead and wounded. This was the norm for generals in this era. US Grant, however, often denied any truce days to reclaim dead and wounded soldiers.

What was Biggest problem for retreating union soldiers at the first battle of bull run?

Civilians from Washington who were congesting the road the army needed on their retreat. Also - by chance - a stray Confederate shell blowing up a bridge that totally blocked the road, and caused total panic.

What is the opposite of the word invasion?

The opposite of invasion is retreat. Invasion means to enter a place aggressively, while retreat means to withdraw or move back.

What battle forced Confederate forces to retreat back into Virginia on September 17 1862?

Antietam/Sharpsburg (Maryland)