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For strategical and political reasons Lincoln decided to underline that the main goal of his administration was that of restore the Union. It was due to the delicate situation in being in the so called Border States, which were slaveholder states and therefore would have not tolerate any common policy aiming to abolish the slavery and free the slaves at once, whose consequence would probably have been that of joining the Confederacy.

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Q: What caused the personal view of slavery of US President Lincoln to not become his policy in the early part of the US Civil War?
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when and under what political party did Abraham Lincoln become president?

Lincoln was nominated as the Republican Party's candidate for president. He was elected president in 1860.The answer is 'Republican Party'. One of his aims, if elected, was to prevent slavery from extending into the territories.

When Abraham Lincoln become president?

Abraham Lincoln become president in March 1861.

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The election of Abraham Lincoln to the US presidency in 1860, caused many Southerners a good deal of stress. Despite Lincoln's promise to leave slavery where it already existed, alone, and despite his promise to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act, many Southerners believed that Lincoln's personal views that slavery was wrong would become a problem. Mississippi seceded from the Union and joined the Confederacy.

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There is not much that can be said with any confidence about what would have happened if Lincoln had not become President. It seems pretty clear that if Lincoln did not become President then someone else would have been President at that time, in the mid 19th century. Whether that other President would have gone to war to preserve the union, or would instead have wanted to allow the Confederacy to secede, and whether, if he did go to war, he would have been victorious as Lincoln was, or would instead have been defeated, and whether he would have made slavery an issue as Lincoln did, we cannot say. These things are all speculative.

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Abraham Lincoln wanted to become president to prevent the halt the spread of slavery and to stop the Union from crumbling. Believing that he knew exactly what was the best for the people, he wanted to champion his ideals especially during the Civil War.

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It created a great sadness because all the African Americans thought that they would have to become slaves again since Lincoln was the only president to stop slavery.

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The election of Lincoln served as the primary catalyst of the American Civil War. The United States had become increasingly divided during the 1850s over sectional disagreements, especially regarding the extension of slavery into the territories.

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Johnson was vice-president under Lincoln. After Lincoln was killed, Johnson became president.

Was President Lincoln a Mexican If yes how did he become the president of the United States of America?

No, Abraham Lincoln was not Mexican.

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Hannibal Hamlin did not become a President, but Andrew Johnson, Lincoln's 2nd Vice President, became the President when Lincoln was assassinated.

Why did Abraham Lincoln become a president?

because he is awsome!