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Q: What caused the peasants to oppose many of these reforms?
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What caused some of the cultural conflicts of the 1920s?

Many people wanted to turn back Progressive reforms from the previous decades.

How many peasants were in the peasants revolt?

Over 100,000.

Where did the peasants revolt end up?

the peasants revolt ended up when a few people were left and also when some of the disease was a bit lessened.over 1 million people died and only the farmers and the nobility, peope who owned most of the land , were left to clear up and harvest the crops.

How did the Ottoman Empire after the Crimean war?

B. Many democratic reforms were instituted.

What link the punic wars to the factors that eventually caused the Republic to collapse and to be replaced with an empire?

The Second Punic war caused many peasants to lose their land. Their farms had either been ravaged in the war or had been neglected because of the peasants' prolonged military service. Moreover, the many war captives of the war created an abundant supply of slaves. Most of them were used to till the fields of the large landed estates. The big landlords took advantage of the slaves and the misfortune of the peasants to buy land on the cheap. Many landless peasants flocked to Rome to eke out a living and swelled the masses of the poor. One of the causes of the civil wars which tore apart the Late Republic and led to the fall of the Republic was the conflict between populares and optimates. The former was a political faction which championed the cause of the poor and pressed for reforms in their favour. The latter was a political faction which favoured the aristocracy and was opposed to these reforms. This war also contributed to the problems which led to the Social War or Allied War, which occurred just before the civil wars of the Late Republic. Many of the various Italic peoples were allies of Rome and supplied soldiers who supported the Roman legions (the auxiliaries). The Romans pursued a policy of land redistribution in the allied territories which favoured either the Romans who had settled there or small local elites. This led to the impoverishment of the Italic peasants. This problem was greatly exacerbated by the mentioned effects of the Second Punic War. Impoverishment eventually led to the allies demanding to be granted Roman citizenship to gain equality with the Romans. They contributed to the Roman military, but received little back in terms of land policy or political rights. When Rome refused to grant this, the allies rebelled, sparking the war.

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The reforms of Mao Zedong had a greater appeal to peasants because he divided the land that the Communists won among the local farmers. Many peasants threw their support to the Chinese Communist Party because most peasants believed that Jiang was doing little to improve their lives.

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The reforms of Mao Zedong had a greater appeal to peasants because he divided the land that the Communists won among the local farmers. Many peasants threw their support to the Chinese Communist Party because most peasants believed that Jiang was doing little to improve their lives.

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Why Black Death was a significant event in British in history?

Because many people died of it. It caused the end of the mongol empire and caused the peasants revolt in 1381?

What plague did wages rose and trade declined?

The Black Death caused the death of many peasants so they were in higher demand but there was less supply. The landlords had to pay the peasants more to keep them but eventually the government passed a law, i can't remember the name right now, which stopped peasants being paid more then a certain amount. This caused the peasants revolt. Trade declined after the Black Death as there were less crops, less traders and less peasants. Thanks!

What caused some of the cultural conflicts of the 1920s?

Many people wanted to turn back Progressive reforms from the previous decades.

What events contributed to the migration of peasants to the cities In the Russian revolution?

Various factors contributed to the migration of peasants to cities during the Russian Revolution, including land reforms that fragmented landholdings, industrialization efforts that created job opportunities in urban areas, and policies that forced peasants off the land. Additionally, the outbreak of World War I disrupted rural life, pushing many peasants to seek better economic opportunities in cities.