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US Civil War Generals were hampered by the lack of trained staff officers. West Point graduates preferred commander positions so there was a lack of good staffers during the course of the four year war. One advantage the South had, however, was the fact there were at least 6 to 8 military academies, such as VMI and the one at Baton Rouge.Of course Stonewall Jackson taught at VMI. And, Union General Sherman was the superintendent at an academy at Baton Rouge. Later to become LSU.

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Q: What caused the US Civil War generals to lack trained staff officers?
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Is West Point a Military Academy?

Yes, it was where the regular officers are trained. During the Civil War, the West Pointers often feuded with the Generals who had not been trained there. And there are still some friction between those who graduate from the academy and those that obtain their commissions through other sources.

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The Mexican War (1846-48). Many men who were Civil War generals were junior officers in the Mexican War.

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Most US generals came from the ranks of the graduates of the US Military Academy at West Point, New York. The North had a larger pool of military trained men then did the South. The pool of officers was larger for the North, no doubt. However, on both sides the general pool was diluted due to the necessity of making political generals. On a ratio basis, it can be debated that the South had a higher quality of possible generals.

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This was probably the war against Mexico and the Mexican dictator, Santa Anna. Many distinguished Civil War generals and heroes had their roots in this war. Robert E. Lee served as an artillery lieutenant in the war, and his career was followed with great interest by Winfield Scott. Later generals Longstreet and Picket both fought as lieutenants in the war, and Longstreet was wounded in the last major battle of the war.

What was the war both Lee and Grant were in?

Generals Lee and Grant were each in the Mexican War as US officers. Later they both were in the US Civil War as opponents.

When was Civil War Generals II created?

Civil War Generals II was created in 1997.

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Who were the generals at the Battle of Fort Sumter during the American Civil War?

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