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The Kokoda Track campaign was a series of battles over a period of six months between the Japanese and the Australians. It showed the dogged determination of the Aussies.

The Japanese were attempting to capture bases close to Australia in order to launch more effective air attacks on the Australian mainland .

Port Moresby on the southern coast of New Guinea was in a good position to launch such attacks . The Japanese had attempted to send a fleet around the eastern end of New Guinea but were intercepted and stopped ( the Battle of the Coral Sea ) .

An alternative method was to march overland from the North of New Guinea down the Kokoda track . But Australian troops were sent to stop that move . The Japanese pushed the Australians back down the track until they were actually in sight of Port Moresby . The determined resistance of the Australians the rugged terrain and ambush tactics wore down the Japanese to the point were they were almost a spent force .

Also at that point in time the Americans counter offensive in the Pacific had commenced particularly at the island of Guadalcanal .

The Japanese could no longer hope to continue their attack to the South and began to withdraw back along the Kokoda Track .

The main significance of the fighting on the track was the delaying tactics used by the Australians had allowed time for Port moresby to be heavily reinforced and also had weakened the Japanese to the point that even if they had reached Port Moresby it is unlikely that they would have been able to capture it .

From that point on the Japanese were forced to retreat in the Pacific .

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13y ago
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7y ago

the main purpose of the kokoda campaign was to stop the Japanese from invading Australia. If the Japanese overtook Port Morseby, they would be close enough to easily invade Australia.

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7y ago

The Japanese attempted to drive down the Kokoda Track to take Port Moresby. Australian forces resisted.

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10y ago

The Kokoda campaign happened because the Japanese were trying to take Port Moresby to isolate Australia from the United States. This campaign lasted from July until November of 1942.

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10y ago

The Kokoda Campaign occurred during World War II. The Kokoda Campaign was caused by Japanese troops attempting to invade Port Moresby.

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13y ago

The Japanese wanted the trail because if they gained control over it, they could easily threaten and attack Australia and they also wanted to capture Port Moresby.

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7y ago

To use it as the overland route to capture Port Moresby.

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What did the public think of the kokoda campaign?

Most people refer to it as the New Guinea Campaign.

When did the Kokoda battle end?

'The Kokoda campaign ended in January 1943.' Umm WRONG!!.. It was 1st of November 1942..

Which countries were involved in the kokoda trail campaign?

Countries involved in the Kokoda Track were Australia and Japan.

What day did the Kokoda campaign end?

1st November 1942

In which war did the Battle of Kokoda occur?

The Kokoda Track campaign occurred during WW2 ~ see related link below .

How long did the battle at Kokoda last for?

the kokoda battle/campaign lasted just over 9 months in 1942 - 1943

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josh muscat again

How long did the kokoda war last for?

Australians fighting in the New Guinea campaigns during WW2.

When did the battle for the kokoda trail occur?

See New Guinea Campaign, WW2.

When did the Kokoda campaign finish?

The Japanese force was driven back to New Guinea.

Why the Australians were fighting in the Kokoda campaign?

To prevent the Japanese capturing Port Moresby.

What alliances did Australia form through the kokoda campaign?

Australia had no allies helping her during the Kokoda Campaign. Britain deserted us, New Zealand, sent only a few men, and America was ignoring our cries for help.