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Shell shock is a kind of mental sickness that will cause strange things like fatigue, depression and in some severe cases hallucinations. This is common with war vets, if you are constantly on an adrenaline rush, it will start to deplete your liver of its glucose and ware your muscles(causing the short term effect of fatigue). In superhuman modes your synapses fire faster, probably causing mental damage (depression and hallucinations)

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Shell shock was a known medical condition during and following World War I. It is along the same lines as PTSD. It was caused by the stresses and tragedies of war.

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What caused shellshock?

Shell shock was a term used in the military, especially during WWI - it was caused by the stresses of battle. Trench warfare caused soldiers to witness many horrors, leading to possible shell shock.

Is the word shell shock hyphenated?

No, the term "shell shock" is typically not hyphenated. It is used to refer to a psychological condition caused by war trauma.

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Shell Shock

Who had a shell shock?

solders at war had shell shock

Can shell shock be transferded person to person?

No all types of shock are caused by extreme trauma and don't transfer like a disease transfers through contact.

What were the attitudes towards shell shock in ww1?

The attitudes towards shell shock were..............................................................................................................................................................................................not good

What happens when you get shell shock?

If you get shell shock you just sit in one place alone shaking and scared.

What are the ratings and certificates for Shell Shock - 1964?

Shell Shock - 1964 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16

What are the 4 major types of shock?

The four major types of shock are hypovolemic shock (caused by low blood volume), cardiogenic shock (caused by heart failure), distributive shock (caused by vasodilation), and obstructive shock (caused by an obstruction to blood flow).

World War I diseases?

trench foot was one of the physical diseases of WW1. This was caused by damp and coldness in the trenches. lots of soldiers got shell shock, a mental disorder often curable. This may also be called 'Battle Fatigue'. Shell Shock would be caused by the stress of the war, making the soldier feel fatigued. Hope this has helped!x

How many men received shell shock in world war 1?

169,529 people had died from shell shock in ww1

When was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shell Shock created?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shell Shock was created in 2012.