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The Prohibition has many causes.

In the early 1900's, doctors discovered that alcohol damaged mental and physical health.

Laborers grew increasingly unproductive as drunkenness rose to high levels since water and milk were generally distrusted due to uncleanliness and since coffee and tea were too expensive for the average family to purchase in large amounts. This left only alcohol as a drink of choice. As a result, the laborers were absent from their jobs more and more often.

Since most breweries were located in Germany, the government was convinced that the economy was suffering as people kept spending money on German alcohol.

Nationwide, churches were appalled at the drunkenness of the American population and counseled temperance or abstinence from alcohol.

Due to the levels of crime in the large cities of America, the government was under the opinion that alcohol and drunkenness bred crime and chaos.

After considering these many factors, Congress passed the 18th Amendment, which banned the production, transportation, possession, import, and export of alcohol in all forms, excluding those used for religious or medicinal purposes.

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bootlegging,organized crime,gangsters, and speakeasies

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12y ago

Rolled hose, rouged knees and cigars. . .Among other things.

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too many people were drinking in America and too many were dieing.

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Did prohibition work ad why?

No, Prohibition failed miserably and caused many problems.

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Yes, there were protests against prohibition in the United States during the 1920s. Some people believed that prohibition infringed on their personal freedoms, led to increased crime, and caused economic hardships. These protests helped eventually lead to the repeal of prohibition in 1933.

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As more and more people came to see National Prohibition as not only a failure but also as the cause of very serious problems, a large majority called for its repeal.

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The difference is it only took 13 years to realize that alcohol prohibition was a moronic idea that caused more problems then it solved. After 70+ years we still foolishly think we can eliminate vice through legislation.

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What were results of prohibition?

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