

What caused many fires in Rome?

Updated: 8/19/2022
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14y ago

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Fire was a major concern in ancient Rome. Arson was one cause, but human carelessness was another major cause. Fires would start from cooking in the tenement flats. A spark or unseen dropped ember from the brazier could set the whole building blazing. Oil lamps were another cause. A knocked over lamp with its oil and open flame could start a fire. Fires also tended to catch hold and spread quickly due to flammable building materials and personal possessions.

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Q: What caused many fires in Rome?
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Rome made a republic because of what?

The ousting of the kings caused Rome to chose the republic form of government.The ousting of the kings caused Rome to chose the republic form of government.The ousting of the kings caused Rome to chose the republic form of government.The ousting of the kings caused Rome to chose the republic form of government.The ousting of the kings caused Rome to chose the republic form of government.The ousting of the kings caused Rome to chose the republic form of government.The ousting of the kings caused Rome to chose the republic form of government.The ousting of the kings caused Rome to chose the republic form of government.The ousting of the kings caused Rome to chose the republic form of government.

How did Rome burn?

Because there was a lot of wood used in construction. Fire was a major concern in ancient cities and Rome was no exception. In addition to the flimsy wooden construction of many buildings, many of the general population was unaware of the flammability of the combination or certain materials under certain conditions. There were two Great Fires of Rome (that we know of) and many smaller blazes that were extinguished before they did too much damage.

What were the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of rome?

Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.Some of the dangers caused by overcrowding in the city of Rome were disease, fire, and crimes such as theft and robbery.

What event caused Rome to move from a regional power to an international one?

the give to many pinks

Shortages that caused unrest in ancient Rome?

FOOD shortages caused unrest.

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