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Russia offered support to the Union in the U.S. Civil War because Russia thought the United States was a good counterbalance to the British Empire.

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Q: What caused Russia to support the Union in the US Civil War?
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According to Historians, the state of Michigan and its citizens supported the Union side during the course of the Civil War.

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The union, the confederacy, and the border states.Two years after the Civil War the United States purchased which territory from Russia?Alaska was also brought into the U.S. shortly after the civil war from Russia. (e2020)

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California was a Union state. During the Civil War the role it played was shipping gold east, recruitment for the Union and a few other pro-Union activities.

Who was the only southern senator to support the union during the civil war was?

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What did Russia do during the Civil War?

Russia was expanding to the Pacific and North America at that time and sided more or less with the Union but took no active role in the war.