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He thought the earth was flat and it is round

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Jesse Barrows

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Q: What caused Columbus to think he had reached Asia?
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What continent did Columbus think he reached on his voyage 1492?

The continent Christopher Columbus think he reached is Asia.

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Why did Columbus think he reached Asia when he had actually traveled less than halfway there?

i think he met people form abaric

Why did Columbus think he reached Asia when he landed in the Americas?

He miscalculated the size of the earth by more than half.

What does Christopher Columbus believe he reached?


When did Christopfer Columbus think he reached Asia by the Atlantic Ocean?

Alantic is not an ocean. And you are a complete deutsch. Plus 1492 hoe.

Why did Columbus believe he had reached Asia when he actually traveled less than halfway there?

i think he met people form abaric

Did Columbus reach the Bahamas not US?

Columbus reached the Bahamas thinking it was Asia. Vikings reached the USA ana Canada 1st.

Columbus thought that Asia could be reached by sailing .?


What conclusion did Vespucci draw about the lands that he Columbus and caboto had reached.?

Amercias and Asia

Italian explorer who figured out that Columbus had not reached Asia?

Americo Vespucci.