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Abraham Lincoln and his Whig mentor agonized over the slavery situation in the United States. The problem, this was in 1852, was how to end slavery without causing a greater problem. These problems would be immense based on the dependency of slavery the US had. Thus both men supported the American Colonization Society. This organization wanted to transport freed slaves voluntarily back to Africa. This was coupled with buying the freedom of almost 4 million slaves. It was a dream that lacked the finances to buy the freedom of slaves and pay for their transportation to Africa.

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Q: What caused Abraham Lincoln to support the American Colonization Society?
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What was the major goal of the American Colonization Society?

The American Colonization Society was established in 1816 by Robert Finley. The American Colonization Society was formed to assist the free Black people in the country. They wanted to provide them with the opportunity to return to Africa because they were concerned that they would be unable to assimilate into the white society of this country. These Blacks, assisted by the Society, went on to build a large community in Liberia, which is a nation today. Both Abraham Lincoln and slave owning Henry Clay supported the Society.

What two prominent political leaders supported the American Colonization Society?

Both Abraham Lincoln and his mentor, Henry Clay supported the American Colonization Society. The goal of the Society was to transport freed slaves to the African nation of Liberia. The main problem the Society faced was that the money to transport any large number of freed slaves would be staggering. Lincoln believed the Society was one method to help erase slavery from the United States. In October of 1854, Lincoln stated that as noble as the goals of the Society were, the execution of the plans were impossible.

How did the goals and strategies of the American Colonization Society differ from those of the abolitionist movement?

The goals of the abolitionist movement were to abolish slavery in the US and free all the Blacks from bondage and bring them into normal society. The American Colonization Society's goals were to reinstate the free Blacks back into Africa.However,The abolitionist movement was split on colonization. For example, Harriet Beecher Stowe and Frederick Douglas disagreed on colonization Stowe supported the colonization movement. So did Abraham Lincoln although he was not an active abolitionist.

What concern about ending slavery did the American Colonization Society seek to address?

The American Colonization Society was formed to send Freedmen and women to new homes in Africa. Members were anti-slavery people, but many, as with Abraham Lincoln, were not ardent abolitionists. The Society's major obstacle was money. Members sought to buy slaves' freedom and then offer them a home in Africa.

When was American Colonization Society created?

American Colonization Society was created in 1816.

When did American Colonization Society end?

American Colonization Society ended in 1964.

Who established the American colonization?

Clay and Randolph establised the American colonization society.

In 1817 antislavery reformers founded this society?

American Colonization Society.In 1817, antislavery reformers from the North and the South founded the American Colonization Society.

Who delivered the Gettysburg address on November 19 1863?

The person who delivered the Gettysburg Address in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on November 19th of 1863 was Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865). Serving as President of the United States at that time, a time in which North and South were engaged in the American Civil War, Lincoln's brief but powerful speech has become iconic in American society -- and even beyond.

Who was Liberia named after?

The American colonization society (ACS)

What was the aim of American colonization society?

To strengthen slavery?

Who established the American colonization society?

it means that you don't have a life. wat ever your stupid