Durvasa is Gotra for Sawant surname
The surname trivedi belongs to the Brahmin caste.
Seelam - surname belongs mainly to KAPU caste
Mikkili is the surname of the caste MALA. According to the Constitution of India it belongs to Sheduled caste (SC.)
generally jasthi, jasti surnames in kamma caste
Durvasa is Gotra for Sawant surname
Durvasa is Gotra for Sawant surname
It is an Indian totem and surname.
Khetale is a surname of Maratha caste.
What is caste of nistane surname ?
are badge surname which caste
The surname trivedi belongs to the Brahmin caste.
mailasu surname in which caste
schedule caste
Mettu surname which
Marathi Surname "Keskar" belongs to Dhangar caste as well as Brahmin caste.
kapu-telaga caste have the surname in Andhra Pradesh