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a hole.

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Q: What carries no weight but can sink a ship?
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Why is ship not sink in sea?

Because the weight of the water it displaces is more than the weight of the ship itself.============================Because the weight of the water it displaces exactly equals the weight of the shipitself. Think of the water that was originally occupying the place where the ship nowis. That water didn't sink because it was supported by the overall pressure frombelow. Putting the ship there means that the force balance is precisely the same.Remember, compared with solid iron, a ship is mostly empty space.

When was A Slip of the Lip - Can Sink a Ship - created?

A Slip of the Lip - Can Sink a Ship - was created in 1943.

Why does a ship not sink?

ships do not sink because gravity pushes it up

To sink a ship by opening the seacocks?


When did the ship 'the wanderer' sink?

it never sank bach

Related questions

What has no weight but is heavy enough to sink a ship?

A hole. A hole in the ship's hull can cause it to take on water and eventually sink, even though the hole itself has no weight.

Does a ship sink lower when weights are added?

yes because it is the effect if gravity as the mass increase the weight would also and so the ship would sink

How far down into the water will a loaded ship sink?

A ship's draft, or how deep it sits in the water, is determined by factors like the ship's weight, buoyancy, and the density of the water. The deeper the draft, the lower the ship sits in the water. The ship will sink until it displaces an amount of water equal to its weight, which is known as the principle of buoyancy.

Why is ship not sink in sea?

Because the weight of the water it displaces is more than the weight of the ship itself.============================Because the weight of the water it displaces exactly equals the weight of the shipitself. Think of the water that was originally occupying the place where the ship nowis. That water didn't sink because it was supported by the overall pressure frombelow. Putting the ship there means that the force balance is precisely the same.Remember, compared with solid iron, a ship is mostly empty space.

Why overloading a ship cause it too sink?

Overloading a ship can cause it to sink because it can exceed its maximum weight capacity, leading to instability and loss of buoyancy. This can result in the hull being lowered into the water, causing it to flood and eventually sink. The added weight can also put strain on the ship's structure, making it more susceptible to damage and eventual sinking.

What is the term that means to sink a ship?

To purposely sink a ship is to 'scuttle' the ship.

Why ship doesn't sink in water in science explanation?

Ships float because of a principle called buoyancy. The weight of the ship is less than the weight of water it displaces, creating an upward force that keeps the ship afloat. The shape of the ship's hull also helps distribute the weight and support the ship atop the water.

Why the ship does not sink and a needle sinks?

A ship floats because it displaces a volume of water that is equal to the weight of the ship. The shape and material of the ship help distribute its weight and create buoyancy. On the other hand, a needle sinks because its weight is greater than the buoyant force it generates in water due to its small size and density.

Why do ships float on water but steel needles sink?

Buoyancy is based on average density, not the weight of the ship's hull. As it lowers into the water, the water displaced is lighter than the hull, but much heavier than the airinside the ship's hull. As long as the combined weight of the ship and its cargo is less than the water displaced by the hull, it will float. If, however, water fills the ship instead of air, the ship (as we all know) will sink.

Which is denser lobster or ship?

lobster because it's weight isn't spread out as much so it will sink easier

Why ship doenot sink in ocean?

Ships float in the ocean due to a principle known as buoyancy. This principle states that the weight of the water displaced by the ship is equal to the weight of the ship itself, allowing it to stay afloat. Additionally, ships are designed with hulls that displace a large volume of water, contributing to their ability to float.

Train is to freight as ship is to what?

A train carries freight. A ship carries cargo.