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Seventh-Day Adventists base their ways of eating by what the Bible says about food. Leviticus 11 & Deuteronomy 14 are chapters that address what clean and unclean foods are (see related links). Adventists are now known by scientists and researchers universally to be one of the healthiest, longest-living groups of people in the world today because of their spiritually & biblically-based health message.

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Q: What can Seventh-day Adventists not eat?
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Seventh-day Adventists have no moral prohibition against eating lamb, though it is true that many are vegetarians.

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Most do; but the Seventh Day Adventists encourage their followers to be vegetarian.

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Since Pollock fish have fins and scales, it is a kosher fish and there is no theological prohibition against eating it. However a majority of Seventh-day Adventists are vegetarian and do not eat meat of any kind, including fish, for health reasons.

Can Seventh-day Adventists eat meat?

The official Adventist theological position is that the dietary laws of the Torah are still in effect, specifically the laws in Leviticus 11. Therefore, Adventists are only to eat kosher food. However, it is also understood as a theological tenet that "our bodies are the temple of God" and as such a person should eat as healthy as possible. Because of this, most Adventists are vegetarians.Yes. In Leviticus 11 God specify which animals to eat. But today 6% of all Seventh Day Adventist in th whole world are vegan and they only eat raw foods; about 65% are vegetarians. They are the ones that have the longest longevity.

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Alf Lohne has written: 'Tomorrow Begins Today' 'Adventists in Russia' -- subject(s): Adventists, Church history, Seventh-Day Adventists

Can seventh day adventisteat cod fish?

Yes, Seventh-day Adventists can eat cod fish. Cod fish is considered a clean food according to the dietary guidelines outlined in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, which are often followed by Seventh-day Adventists. Additionally, many Seventh-day Adventists choose to follow a pescatarian diet, which allows for the consumption of fish like cod.

Do Adventists believe that unless you are a vegetarian you cannot be translated at Jesus' second coming?

I don't believe that it it limited to vegetarians or those who choose to eat meat.

Who are adventists voting for obama or Romney?

Adventists are a conservative group who are likely voting for Romney for the most part.