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Q: What boys was sent to military camp at age seven Athens or Sparta?
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What were the disadvantages for the Athens boys?

I dont know what boys were but women had no rights in Athens and in Sparta they did.

Boys were sent to military camp at age seven?


How is Athens education better then Sparta?

Most boys had better education than military skillls

What gave the most education to boys Athens or Sparta?

Sparta focused more on military training and physical conditioning for boys from a young age, while Athens emphasized a broader education including subjects like math, philosophy, and arts. Therefore, Athens provided a more well-rounded education for boys compared to Sparta.

What way did a boy's life in Athens differ from a boy's life in Sparta?

athenian boys went to school ;spartan boys served in the military

In what way did a boys life in athens differ from a boys life in Sparta?

athenian boys went to school ;spartan boys served in the military

What is the difference between Sparta and Athens.?

The difference between Sparta and Athens is that in Sparta, the ruling government was a military government, while in Athens, the ruling government was a democracy. In Sparta, the people focus on military matters. That is because of the fear of an uprising by their helots. In Athens, a democracy ruled. People voted on many matters such as which one they thought was the most dangerous to their testate and even military and naval expeditions against rival statutes. The different arts such as sculpture and poetry also flourished more in Athens. Athenians believed that one should also focus themselves on matters other than military ones. Athens focused on trades, technologies, civilizations, studies,... while Sparta focused on the military. That's why Spartan warriors were the most fierce warriors in Ancient Greece. Athens also treated their children differently. For example: Boys were taught reading, writing, mathematics, music, poetry, and sports. While in Sparta, they took them away from their parents at 7 yrs. old, to train for war. Further, in Sparta, both - boys and girls went to school, but in Athens, boys went to school but the girls did not, but attended basically, house work.

How did the system of education differ between Athens and Sparta?

Sparta had a warrior society and the Athens had a a democratic government. Sparta boys began training a 7 years old for a lifetime. Athenian boys attended school if their families could afford it.

How was education in Sparta different than in Athens?

Education In Sparta wanted a strong army, they had boys at the age of seven move into military housed called barracks. They also taught them how to read. Athens education was different, only boys with wealthy families could go to school and learn, they prepared them to be good citizens and studied many things, like math, reading etc.

How was education Sparta different than education in Athens?

Education In Sparta wanted a strong army, they had boys at the age of seven move into military housed called barracks. They also taught them how to read. Athens education was different, only boys with wealthy families could go to school and learn, they prepared them to be good citizens and studied many things, like math, reading etc.

Why was education in Athens different from Sparta?

Sparta only focused on strength reading writing if this had nothing to due with a good military they wouldn`t be there. Athens though was about the Arts so building writing Darma and such was more there focus

What is Sparta's strength?

Spartas Strength is the Military, when the boys are first born they put them outside for a night with no food or water and if they lived the were strong and made to be a Warrior for sparta. The Spartans focused on their military and the Athens were more foucused on their Acedemics and worked on military too.