Thousands of books and authors were banned during the famous Nazi book burning of 1933 for speaking out against the horrors of war, for just being Jewish, or even discussing sexual activity or politics. These included famous authors such as Ernest Hemmingway's "A Farewell to Arms", "The Iron Heel" by Jack London, and all books written by Sigmund Freud.
Anything that was "offensive to the Reich."
A few of these books were:
-All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque. Anti-War novel. Hitler called it "insulting to the Wehrmacht and their cause."
-The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka. Also banned by the Communists.
You should address yourself on specific sites such as "" or on the official Berlin-Site, that hosts a database of books and authors forbidden by nazi-regime.
Anyway, shortly after Hitlers takeover in january 1933 the Berlin librarian Wolfgang Herrmann began to create not less a blacklists: The combustion of Books in may, 10th 1933 followed his recommendations, published in several german newspapers. It contained the following authors (and titles, those without titles being completely banned)
Anthologie jüngster Lyrik
Anthologie jüngster Prosa
Asch, Nathan
Asch, Schalom
Babel: Budjonnys Reiterarmee
Barbusse, Henri
Barthel, Max: Die Mühle zum toten Mann
Becher, Johannes
Beer-Hofmann, Richard
Birkenfeld, Günther
Bley, Fritz: alles außer: Tier- und Jagdgeschichten
Bobinskaja, Karbunauri
Bogdanow: Das erste Mädel
Bonsels: alles außer: Biene Maja, Himmelsvolk, Indienfahrt
Braune: Mädchen an der Orga Privat
Brecht, Bert
Breitbach: Rot gegen Rot
Brod, Max: alles außer: Tycho Brahe
Brück, Anita: Schicksale hinter Schreibmaschinen
Carr, Robert
Doeblin, Alfred: alles außer: Wallenstein
Dos Passos
Dreißig neue deutsche Erzähler
Dreißig neue Erzähler des neuen Rußlands
Ebermayer: Die Nachin Warschau
Edschmid, Kasimir: alles außer: Timur, Die 6 Mündungen
Ehrenburg : alles außer: Grachus Barboeuf
Essig, H.
Ewers, H. H.: Vampir, Alraune
Felden, Eines Menschen Weg
Feuchtwanger, Lion
Fink, Georg
Frank, Leonhard: alles außer: Räuberbande, Ochsenfurter Männerquartet
Frey: Pflasterkästen
Geist, Rudolf
Gladkow, Fjodor
Glaeser, Ernst
Goll, Iwan
Gorki: Der Spitzel, Märchen d. Wirklichkeit, Eine Beichte, Wie ein Mensch geboren ward, Das blaue Leben
Graf, Oskar Maria: alles außer: Wunderbare Menschen, Kalender-geschichten
Gruenberg, Karl
Hašek, Jaroslav
Hasenclever, Walter
Hemingway: In einem andern Land
Hermann, Georg: Kubinke, Schnee, Die Nachtdes Dr. Herzfeld
Hirsch, Vorbestraft, Kaiserwetter
Hofbauer, Der Marsch ins Chaos
Hoffmann: Frontsoldaten
Holitscher, Arthur
Hotopp, Albert
Inber, Vera
Jacob, Heinrich Eduard: Blut und Zelluloid
Jiff: 12 Stühle
Jiles, Bela
Johannsen: Vier von der Infanterie
Kallinikow, Josef
Kästner, Erich: alles außer: Emil
Kaus, Gina
Kellermann: Der 9. November
Kerr, Alfred
Keun, Irmgard
Kisch, Egon Erwin
Klaeber, Kurt
Koeppen: Heeresbericht
Kollontay, Alexandra
Kurtzig, Dorfjuden
Lampel, Peter: nur: Verratene Jungen, Revolte im Erziehungsheim
Leidmann, Eva
Leitner, Hotel Amerika
Leonow: Aufbau
Lernet-Holenia: außer: Gedichte
Lewinsohn: Das Erbe im Blut
Libedinsky: Jurij
Lidin, Wladimir
Liepmann, Heinz
Linck: Kameraden im Schicksal
London: Martin Eden, Zwangsjacke, Eiserne Ferse
Ludwig, Emil
Mann, Heinrich
Mann, Klaus
Meyer-Eckhard: nur: Das Vergehen des Paul Wendelin
Michael, F.: Die gutempfohlene Frau
Neumann, Robert: alles außer: Mifremden Federn
Olbracht, Iwan
Ottwalt, Ernst
Pinthus, Kurt
Remarque, Erich Maria
Renn, Ludwig: nur Nachkrieg
Rubiner, Ludwig
Schäffer: Elli oder die sieben Treppen
Schirokauer, Alfred
Schnitzler, Arthur: alles außer: Der Weg ins Freie
Schroeder, Karl
Seghers, Anna
Sejfullina: alles außer: Der Ausreißer
Sinclair, Upton
Sochaczewer, Hans
Sostschenko, Michael
Seraphimowitsch: Der eiserne Strom
Ssologub, Fjodor
Suttner, Die Waffen Nieder
Tetzner: Haus Urian
Thomas, Adrienne
Toller, Ernst
Traven: Regierung, Der Karren
Tucholsky, Kurt
Ulitz: Ararat, Worbs, Testament
Unruh: alles außer: Offiziere, Louis Ferdinand
Vanek, Karl
Wassermann, Jakob
Wedding, Ede und Unku
Wegner, Armin T.
Werfel: alles außer: Barbara, Verdi, Tod des Kleinbürgers
Woehrle: Querschläger
Zweig, Arnold
Zweig, Stefan
In fact this was only the beginning: The Nazi state founded in november 1933 an institution called the "Reichsschrifttumkammer", that had to systematizise the blacklists and create new categories of books to be banned: Were forbidden books that were considered: to undermine the military moral, to be written in a communist or socialist perspective, to be written by a Jew, or to be part of urban literature (the nazi-term is Asphaltliteratur). The list of "harmful and undesirable writings" finally grew up to more than 4,500 entries in 1935.
Any books written by Jews or Communists or any books about Communism. Also any books that challenged the ideas promulgated the official teachings and policies of the ruling Nazi Party and its leaders. for example, books by Karl Marx were banned because they were on the subject of Communism.
"The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William L. Shirer , "The Coming of the Third Reich"/ "The Third Reich in Power"and "The Third Reich at War"by Richard J. Evans , "The Order of the Death's Head: The Story of Hitler's SS" by Heinz Zollin Hohne and "The Third Reich: A New History" by Michael Burleigh .
At the time of the third reich, Adolf Hitler was the totalitarian dictator, or "the fuehrer" (german for leader).
Hitler's regime was officially known as Deutsches Reich (from 1933-1943) and Großdeutsches Reich (from 1943-1945). The term Drittes Reich (Third Reich) was never an official term and only used occasionally by the Nazis for propagandistic purposes.
Inside the Third Reich was created in 1982.
third Reich
"The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William L. Shirer , "The Coming of the Third Reich"/ "The Third Reich in Power"and "The Third Reich at War"by Richard J. Evans , "The Order of the Death's Head: The Story of Hitler's SS" by Heinz Zollin Hohne and "The Third Reich: A New History" by Michael Burleigh .
Deutsches Reich, or the Third Reich.
the third empire, or third Reich, was the empire of Germany in which Hitler was leader
At the time of the third reich, Adolf Hitler was the totalitarian dictator, or "the fuehrer" (german for leader).
Hitler's regime was officially known as Deutsches Reich (from 1933-1943) and Großdeutsches Reich (from 1943-1945). The term Drittes Reich (Third Reich) was never an official term and only used occasionally by the Nazis for propagandistic purposes.
The Third Reich was in control of Germany.
Inside the Third Reich was created in 1982.
The Third Reich - novel - was created in 2010.
third Reich
The Third Reich refers to the whole of the period when the Nazis were in power (1933-45); the Holocaust usually refers to the period of the systematic mass extermination of the Jews from 1941-45.
Hitlers government was called the Third Reich
The Third Reich - novel - has 288 pages.