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The Suez Canal has always caused conflict.

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Q: What body of water caused conflict in the Middle East?
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Why have Western technologies caused conflict in the middle east?

Western technologies have not caused conflict in the Middle East; they have only worsened and made more deadly the conflicts that existed prior to the introduction of such technologies. They have also allowed militias to become a serious thorn in the side of weaker regimes as opposed to being a nuisance that could be easily crushed. The root causes of conflict in the Middle East are political, cultural, and religious issues that have not been resolved. While Westerners had some impact with the creation of the colonial empires, their technology was never responsible for the conflict.

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Sunni Islam and Shiite Islam cause a lot of conflict in the Middle East.

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There are so many different political groups with absolute opinions that conflict in the Middle East will never be resolved.

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What body of water caused a major conflict in the Middle East in 1956?

The Nationalization of the Suez Canal in 1956 provoked conflict between Egypt on the one hand and Britain, France, and Israel on the other. So, the body of water is the Suez Canal.

Can there be peace in the Middle East?

Not until Islamo-Arab imperialism is defeated. Islamo-Arab imperialism is what drives Middle East conflict.

What is The Crucible of conflict in the middle east?

The crucible of conflict in the middle east is based on ethnic differences. Groups strongly believe that their religion and culture is native to the area and gives them power over the land.

What is the short history of conflict in the middle east?

There are numerous conflicts in the Middle East. All of them started at different times for different reasons. Sometimes it is clear who fired the first shot; other times both sides vehemently claim that the other side shot first. If by "the Middle East Conflict" you are referring to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the Iran-Iraq Conflict, the Turko-Cypriot Conflict, the Kurdish Conflicts, the Yemeni Civil Wars, the Syrian Civil War, etc. please resubmit your question or choose one of the Related Questions below.

Who is to blame for middle east conflict?

There is a list somewhere that has thousands of names for that.

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What is water primarily used for in the Middle East?

Most of the water in the Middle East is used for agriculture. However, this is not unique to the Middle East; across the world, the largest consumer of water is agriculture.