Study Island Correct Answer:
Lenin's influence eventually led the Russian people to embrace communism.
Subject culture
The political culture of China is characterized by a strong emphasis on collectivism, centralized authority, and social stability. The ruling Communist Party exercises tight control over political discourse and dissent, and there is limited tolerance for political opposition or activism. Confucian values emphasizing harmony and respect for authority also contribute to the political culture in China.
it was effected my the blues. the blues were developed in America and reflect the culture
werstern culture affected indian culture very the time,we changed our food,dress,superstitions,belives,culture..etc..
Name two ways in which the information Revolution has changed the kabor force of American and world culture
the environment
Caribbean traditions are a big part of Caribbean culture. The Caribbean culture explains the artistic, musical, literacy, culinart, political, and social elements of the people. It was influenced by European culture and traditions.
Vladimir Rostislavovich Medinskiy is the Minister of Culture for Russia.
relevancy of political culture
It has not changed my culture at all.
Moralistic, Individualistic, and Traditionalistic
Teenage, modern day, goth
Subject culture
The political process reflects the culture and also shapes it. A perfect example is the recent election and since the election of Trump the culture of the United States has changed. The society in general is reflecting more anger and discomfort with groups within the culture.
Almond and Verba classify political culture into three main types: parochial, subject, and participant. Parochial political culture is characterized by low levels of political awareness and involvement. Subject political culture involves citizens who are more engaged but still defer to authority. Participant political culture describes citizens who are actively involved in political life and decision-making processes.
Vladimir Ivanovich Gorbunov has written: 'Lenin on the cultural revolution' -- subject(s): Communism and culture
it explains why Japan's culture reflects a Chinese influence...........