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Guantanamo Bay!

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What belonged to the United states after the Spanish-American War?

Guantanamo Bay belonged to the US after the Spanish-American War.

Did Manila Bay belonged to the US after the Spanish American War?

The US gained control of the Philippines and Cuba as a result of the Spanish-American War, which would include Manila Bay.

What are one place that belonged to the us after the Spanish-American war?

Puerto Rico , Philippines and Guam .

The US fought the Spanish in what war?

The Spanish American War.

What war did the US fight in 1898?

Spanish-American War, lasted about 6 months, in 1898.

How did the US acquire Alaska during the Spanish American War?

Alaska was a US Territory long before the Spanish American War.

When does us defeat spain in spanish american war?

The US defeated Spain in the Spanish American War on August 12, 1898.

What does the US Civil War and Spanish-American War have in common?

There were Civil War vetrans who also served in the Spanish American War.

What were the effects of the Spanish American War on US foriegn policy?

After the Spanish American War, the United States was able to annex several colonies that had belonged to Spain. Among others, they included Cuba and the Philippine Islands.

Was Florida gained by the US at the end of the Spanish-American War?

No, Florida became a US State in 1845 and the Spanish American War was in 1898.

What Pacific island was acquired by the US as a result of the Spanish-American War?

Guam remains a US Territory acquired in the Spanish American War.

Did the US gain Guam in the Spanish-American War?

Yes, Guam became a US Territory as a result of the Spanish American War.