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First Battle of Bull Run also known as the First Battle of Manassas.

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Q: What battle was witnessed by spectators who brought picnics and watched the fighting?
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What food do people eat on Veterans Day?

There is no common food that people eat on Veterans Day. However, picnics are common and sometimes families join in celebrating veterans.

When was the first house invented?

The oldest documented treehouse was The "Eryie" which Roman Emperor Gaius Caligula (AD 12-41) had built in a large Plane tree. He held picnics there and entertained guests with jugglers and acrobats.

What did the Dakota tribe live in during the summer?

The Dakota do many things in the summer. They travel. They mow the lawn. They have picnics. They ride horses. They work. They plant gardens with flowers and vegetables. The attend Wacipis (PowWows). They dance. They fish and hunt. They do whatever their interests lead them to do along with doing the activities of daily life.

What did Germans in the early 1900s do for fun?

Pretty much what the Britons and Americans were doing. They were all developed societies, so therefore the upper class would have been hunting, joining rowing clubs, having picnics. And the lower classes would have been getting drunk and gambling in bars/ale houses. Ever been to Munich? It has the most brewerys in any one city in the world. Most of them were probably in existence at the time.

What happen at the first bull run that revealed how the average northerner first viewed this war?

The average Northerner (and Southerner) expected it to be a short war, without any bloodshed. The Battle of Bull Run demonstrated that the war had not yet begun properly, that the armies were only starting to become trained and equipped, that the two sides were evenly matched, and that the country could expect a long, bloody war.

Related questions

What battle was witnessed by spectators who brought picnics and watch the fighting for entertainment?

Bull run

What Battle during the civil war that was witnessed by spectators who ate picnics and watched the fighting?

The Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861, which was the first major battle of the civil war, had spectators. See, " On the day of the battle, carriages filled with spectators eager to see the Confederate defeat flocked from Washington to the battle site"

Where do Catholics do to picnics?

Catholics have picnics in the same places everyone else does - parks, etc.

What is the name of a bear that likes to go on picnics?

The name of the bear that likes to go on picnics is Yogi Bear.

What do ants love?


Do people in Australia have Christmas picnics?

At Christmas time, it is summer in Australia. The weather is warm. Picnics and cookouts are common

Does paddington bear like picnics and ginger beer?

he is a friendly bear he likes picnics especialy marmerlade but we wouldn't dream of touching ginger bear

What has the author Heidi H Cusick-Dickerson written?

Heidi H. Cusick-Dickerson has written: 'Picnics' -- subject(s): Outdoor cookery, Picnics

Is picnic a noun?

Yes, the word 'picnic' is both a noun (picnic, picnics) and a verb (picnic, picnics, picnicking, picnicked).Examples:The picnic was held at a beautiful park. (noun)We like to picnic on sunny days. (verb)

How is independence day celebrated?

Parades, picnics and pyrotechnics.

Who always liked beer and picnics?

Winnie the pooh.

Why do bees like picnics?

Bees don't like picnics, because they don't even know one is going on. They like the food, especially the sweet stuff that is at picnics. Sweet liquids like sodas draw them like the soda was nectar from flowers.