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What baroque period artist painted abstract landscape that look today much like century art?

el greco

What was considered to be the first modern art movement and was first to feature landscapes. Neoclassicism Baroque Romanticism?


Why was the group of seven different from other painters at that time?

they were different from the other painters because they had painted scenery's meanwhile most painters had painted in a studio and the group of seven had painted things very abstract like especially lawren harris he painted things bold and cartoony you could say so instead of painting things like traditional paintings the had done the opposite to stand out from other artists

Art in the New Jersey colony?

Art in the New Jersey Colony consisted of portraits that were painted on canvas. There was also a need to teach young girls how to sew, so they made stitch samplers that depicted various aspects of their life. Some painters also painted vast landscapes, still life, and everyday newsworthy scenes.

What art movement did john constable belong to?

The great majority of John Constables paintings were landscapes, many showing the countryside of the area where he was born and grew up, on the border between the counties of Essex and Suffolk in eastern England. Besides painting in some other regions of England, he painted some landscapes in which buildings are important, and did a few portraits and a handful of other subjects. In his sketches there are studies of a wide range of landscape elements, including animals. His sketches of clouds are often admired.

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Did Georgia O'Keeffe create abstract portraits or landscapes?

She painted many landscapes. Practically no portraits.

Dutch artists of the Baroque period used which technique to add drama to the ordinary subjects they painted?

Chiaroscuro -apexThe Dutch artists of the Baroque period used Chiaroscuro technique to add drama to the ordinary subjects they painted.

What is true baroque and rococo styles of the 17th and 18th centuries?

Artists primarily painted brightly colored landscapes filled with happy subjects.

What is true of baroque and rococo styles of the 17th and 18th centuries?

Artists primarily painted brightly colored landscapes filled with happy subjects.

What is true of the Baroque Rococo styles of the 17th and 18th centuries?

Artists primarily painted brightly colored landscapes filled with happy subjects.

What is true of the baroque and rococo styles of 17th and 18th centuries?

Artists primarily painted brightly colored landscapes filled with happy subjects.

What is true of the baroque and rococo styles of the 17th and 18th century?

Artists primarily painted brightly colored landscapes filled with happy subjects.

What baroque period artist painted abstract landscape that look today much like century art?

el greco

What is true of the baroque and rococo styles of the 17th and 18th centuries?

Artists primarily painted brightly colored landscapes filled with happy subjects.

When was matisse's first abstract art painted?

He never painted abstract. Abstract means no recognisable subject.

What was considered to be the first modern art movement and was first to feature landscapes. Neoclassicism Baroque Romanticism?


What did Vincent Van Gogh like to paint?

He liked to paint: portraits, scenery and the most famous one, flowers