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"she was not a bad queen. So don't go around gossioing that she was a bad queen. She helped England. Her sister Mary was the bad one"

Maybe you should do some research before you start telling everyone that her sister Mary was a bad queen. She wasn't necessarily bad, she just has a horrible reputation for burning anyone who wasn't a Catholic. This isn't entirely true, and although she did execute a lot of people, particularly due to religious reasons, Elizabeth I also did horrible things so there is nothing to say that Elizabeth was good and Mary was bad. They were pretty rough times and a lot of things that people did seem horrible and unimaginable today, but this was just how things were done at the time and if you look at any English Monarch throughout the middle ages you'll find that they all did things that by todays standards, we would consider terrible.

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13y ago
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13y ago

in her reign she didn't marry so there was no way for the Tudor family to carry on and this isn't really bad but she drove Phillip in Spain mad because she kept stealing the Spanish gold.

Mary the 1 was the one who killed people because they weren't catholic she killed them by burning them to a steak because she thought that would burn their sins away


Edward killed people who wouldn't turn protestant he killed them by stoning them he made them lay on a stone (mid back) and put a door on top of them

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13y ago

She killed her cousin Mary queen of Scots and was known to execute Catholics for not being protestant.

That Elizabeth signed the death warrant of Mary Queen of Scots is perfectly true and altogether regrettable, but, Mary had been dabbling with plots, these were likely to cause the death of the Queen and also to be the cause of a Civil War and also to be the cause of a foreign invasion!

Elizabeth also allowed the spoliation of the Church to bribe the Calvinists into submission!

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She ordered Mary arrest because if a threat of being deposed by Mary.

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She supported Protestantism.

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