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The full question is:

What article title would most likely be described by the database subject headings victims of famine, Ireland, history?

Question options:

Irish Babies, African Mothers: Rites of Passage and Rights in Citizenship in Post-Millennial Ireland" -- This is not specific about famine.

"How Many Irish Potato Famine Deaths? Toward Coherence of the Evidence" -- ** This is specific about Famine in historical Ireland.

"'Good Man, Mary!' Women Musicians and the Fraternity of Irish Traditional Music" - Music is not about famine.

"'The Gloomy Forebodings of this Dread Disease,' Climate, Famine and Sleeping Sickness in East Africa" -- This is about East Africa

The best choice would be:

"How Many Irish Potato Famine Deaths? Toward Coherence of the Evidence" -- ** This is specific about Famine in historical Ireland.

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Q: What article title would most likely be described by the library database subject headings of victims of famine Ireland history?
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