The US force in Korea is the 8th Army
Its current composition is 1st Brigade of the 2nd Infantry Division, 65th Medical Brigade, 19th Sustainment Command Group, 35th Air Defense Artillery, 501st Military Intelligence Brigade, and 1st Signal Brigade
north Korea is Kim Jong Ill
They were called legions, with six to ten thousand men, the equivalent of a division in a modern army.
No, the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) was a fictional unit depicted in the TV series "MAS*H." The show, set during the Korean War, was loosely based on the experiences of real-life MASH units, but there was no specific 4077th MASH in Korea.
There are currently two army units with silver bars stationed in the region.
The country that has the largest army is China, followed in order by #2 India, #3 N Korea, #4 S Korea, #5 Pakistan, #6 United States.
The motto of Republic of Korea Army is 'A Strong Friend, Republic of Korea Army'.
Iraq January 2009 - 138,000 Afghanistan 2009 build-up - 55,000 Korea 22 June 2009 - 37,000 total - 222,000
Republic of Korea Army Infantry School was created in 1949.
Korea Army Academy at Yeongcheon's motto is '조국,명예,충용'.
Korea Army Academy at Yeongcheon was created on 1968-10-15.
Korea Army Academy at Yeongcheon's motto is 'Country,honor,valor'.
Republic of Korea Army Engineer School was created in 1919.
US army is staying in south korea
North Korea
North Korea
north Korea is Kim Jong Ill
They were called legions, with six to ten thousand men, the equivalent of a division in a modern army.