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Including the three-fifths clause and the fugitive slave clause in the constitution would suggest that the country approved of slavery. This is in stark contrast with the constitution's statement that all men are equal.

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Ahmeraka b

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2y ago
  1. The repetitive direct taxes should be appointed to several years in the states which may be included in each of the unions towards their respective numbers that determine by adding whole numbers of a free person and those enslaved to services over a term of years. It was in migration and people from any state from passing laws that banned enslavement until 1808 prohibiting legislative in a particular area by banning the importation of slaves. The main impact was giving South Carolina twenty years to prepare for every possible ending of receiving African slaves. No person or laborer server in a state under the law couldn't escape in another consequence of any other law discharged from service labor but can be delivered upon a claim to the party that labor may be due

  2. The argument I would use is Including the theThree-Fifths Clause, fugitive slave clause in the constitution would suggest that the country approved of Against Amending the Slave Trade Clause slavery. This is in stark contrast with the constitution's statement that all men are equal. If all men are equal shouldn't say all men and women are equal

Constitution Says 'All Men' Are Created Equal? NYT, NBC Got it Wrong, Too | CNSNews

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Q: What arguments can be made for and against including the three-fifths clause and the fugitive slave clause in the constitution?
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Where in the constitution is the fugitive slaw law?

A law that gave slaves rights

Where does the constitution deal with fugitive slaves?

The Fugitive Slave Clause is found in Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution. This clause was mostly rendered moot by the passage of the 14th Amendment.

Which statement about drafting the Constitution is true?

the delegates included a fugitive slave clause.

Who supported the fugitive slave act?

The Fugitive Slave Act was supported by Southern slaveholders and their political allies in the United States government. They saw the law as a way to uphold the Fugitive Slave Clause of the Constitution and protect their property rights in enslaved people.

How did the constitution treat runaway slaves?

The Constitution's Fugitive Slave Clause required runaway slaves to be returned to their owners, regardless of where they were in the country. This clause was later reinforced by the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, making it illegal to assist runaway slaves and facilitating their capture and return.

How do you use fugitive slave clause in a sentence?

The Fugitive Slave Clause was a provision in the US Constitution that required the return of escaped slaves to their owners. An example sentence could be: The Fugitive Slave Clause increased tensions between northern and southern states over the issue of slavery.

What changes were made to the constitution after the civil war?

After the civil war, the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments were added to the constitution and the three-fifth clause and the fugitive clause were stated.

How did the constitution treat run away slaves?

The Constitution required that runaway slaves who escaped to free states be returned to their owners, establishing the Fugitive Slave Clause. This was part of the compromise made during the drafting of the Constitution between Northern and Southern states to preserve unity. However, the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 strengthened these provisions, mandating the return of escaped slaves and imposing penalties on those who aided them.

Did the fugitive slave act take away a slaves right to trial by jury?

Yes, the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 allowed slave owners to reclaim their escaped slaves without due process, including the right to trial by jury. This made it easier for slaveholders to apprehend and return fugitive slaves.

What laws punished northerners who assisted escaped slaves?

fugitive slave lawsThe Fugitive Act

What is sentence of fugitive?

The fugitive managed to evade capture by the authorities for several weeks before being apprehended.

Why did southerners stress having a fugitive slave act?

Southerners wanted a Fugitive Slave Act to ensure the return of escaped slaves from free states. This was important to maintain their economic system based on slavery and to prevent slave runaways from seeking refuge in the North. The act also helped to enforce the Fugitive Slave Clause in the U.S. Constitution, which required escaped slaves to be returned to their owners.