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The battle about whether the Articles of Confederation or the Constitution should be the Law of the Land.

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Q: What argument started the first two political parties in the US?
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What were the first two political parties and how were they created?

The Federalist and the Republican parties; each was formed over the argument for or against national supremacy.

Political parties started in the US in what year?

these political parties were started around the time of George Washington. our first president was against the parties because he thought people would elect a candidate in the persons own party rather then the candidate that was the better fit to lead. written by, -an eight grader

What ways do the first political parties align with current political parties?

one of them is republic

What led to the rise of political parties?

Differences on foreign and domestic policy led to the nation's first political parties.

What were the first American political parties?

The first parties were the Democratic-Republican party and the Federalist party.

First political parties?

The first political party was the Federalists, followed closely by the Democratic-Republicans.

Where are political parties found in the constitution?

No, it does not. There is no mention of political parties in the constitution, it is just how politics develops.

The first political parties were formed around regional and economic differences.?

Yes, the first political parties were formed around regional and economic differences. This is true.

What are the first 2 major political parties?

The first 2 political parties are the Federalists lead by Alexander Hamilton and the Democratic Republicans lead by Thomas Jefferson.

Which party was the first political parties in the US?


What political party started the public school system?

No political party started the public school system. It developed in the colonies and the first school was in 1635 called the Boston Latin School. It was the first town supported school and it established a pattern of local control of the school system. This was well before the American revolution and any political parties.

What was the name of the US President that never lived in the White House and was the only president not represented by a political party?

George Washington. He was the first president soooo, the white house wasn't built yet and of course political parties hadn't started yet. I know for sure is wasn't George Washington because he lived in mount Vernon you ding bat. And YES political parties had started because he was a federalist!!!!!!!