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Statues and hyroglifs

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Q: What are two ways the egyptians decorated their temples?
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What was the two ways the Egyptians decorated their temples?

One way that the Egyptians decorated their temples was with pictures of pharaohs and Hieroglyphics.

What were the two ways the Egyptians decorated their temples?

Carvings and tapestries for the main part...... Then you have sconces, colored bricks, trees and furniture.

What were two ways Egyptians decorated their temples?

1: they decorated it with statues of gods and pharaohs 2: they hung up paintings and hieroglyphics hope i helped =) ;) :) :P

What were two ways the Egyptians decoratedtheir temples?

I would say: paint & carvings.

What two purposes were the Egyptian temples served for?

The Egyptians temples served as houses for the gods and goddess and as banks.

How did ancient Egyptians decorate their houses?

the ancient egyptians decorated their houses with paint tapestrys and such of outside wild life they also decorated with statues shrines rugs pools and the wildlife was usually marsh wild life

What two ways did the egyptians improve the chariot?

Moved the axle to the rear of the platform. Made them out of wood and leather.

What are two features of Buddhist temples that encouraged meditative experiences?

The two features are the peace that surround the temples and the beauty within the temples these two bring joy to the heart of one

How was religion in ancient. Greece similar to religion in ancient Egypt?

Both the ancient Greeks and Egyptians were polytheistic; they believed in many deities. They had myths about how things came into being, nature, etc. They also built temples to honor their gods and had visions of an "afterlife", or life after death. These are only a few ways the two religions were similar.

How many temples did Ramses II build?

Two temples were built.

Do humans have one or two temples in the brain?

Two temples - two temporal lobes, one on each side of the brain.

What did the anchint Egyptians live in?

Poor Egyptians lived in huts with one of two rooms. Rich Egyptians live in fine houses with many rooms, gardens and servants. Both type of dwelling had one thing in common: they were built from bricks made from mud, straw and dung. Stone was reserved for building temples the "houses of the gods".