The Plains Indians were affected by buffalo because they ate them as their main food, they used bones for tools and toys, and they used skins for fur clothing. Virtually, the Plains Indians used all parts of their game or food
More than one cultural area. The Plains people used the tipi exclusively; in the areas bordering the Plains other tribes used the tipi in combination with other types of dwelling.
Indians plains the buffalo was very valuable to the plains Indians .the buffalo meat was dried and mixed with marrow and fruit to become a food that they would keep for long periods of time .The Indians also used ropes,shield s,and clothing . Their tepees were also made from the buffalo hide . Aparfeche was used by the Plains INDIANS TO CARRY THEIR POISSESSIOS. aND THAT WAS ALSO MADE OF BUFFALO HIDE .THE ARTISTS OF THE plains USED BUFFALO HIDES FOR THEIR ARTWORK.
Great Plains
The main land regions of Nebraska are the Dissected Till Plains in the east, the Great Plains in the central region, and the High Plains in the west. These regions are characterized by their varying elevations, soil types, and topography.
3 regions. till plains, south eastern plains, and the great plains.
Richard Brayton: I think the Young Drift Plains.
a fact about the till plain region is it's main crop is popcorn.
Glaciated Appalachian Plateau, Unglaciated Appalachian Plateau, Lake Plains. Till Plains, Lexington Plain
South Dakota has four main land regions. 1. The Drift Plains 2. The Dissected Till Plains 3. The Great Plains 4. The Black Hills
Missouri State has 5 main land regions: Glaciated Till Plains, Osage Plains, Ozark Highlands, Mississippi Lowlands, & Alluvial River Plains.
To the north of peternmy.Then cross irisa plains.
Till plains , Lake plains , Appalachian plains
Iowa's landforms are the Paha Ridges, Des Moines Lobe, Southern Drift Plains, Paleozoic Plateau, Loess Hills, Northwest Iowa Plains. The Mississippi and the Missouri Rivers also flow through Iowa.