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They are called matryoshka dolls or sometimes also just called nesting dolls.

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Q: What are those dolls called that you open and there is a smaller one inside they are made in Russia?
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What are the mahasutras?

Mahasutras are usually made of wood. they are dolls that fit inside of each other. they come in all different patterns. they can be found in Russia. if you open the biggest there will be a smaller one inside, if you open that one there will be a smaller one inside... ans when you get tho the smallest one you cant open it.

What are those little dolls with other ones inside them called?

Nesting dolls, stacking dolls.

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I did not know that Fisher Price made dolls. What type of dolls do they have available?

Fisher Price makes bigger dolls like baby dolls. They do not make the smaller dolls like the Barbie or the Bratz dolls.

Is Christmas celebrated in Russia?

yes. They eat Russian Candy on Christmas. Russians have "Babushkas" which are dolls that are inside one another and they get small the farther in. They put out Nut crackers also.

What are the dolls that open and has more dolls in it called?

The dolls are called nesting dolls they are apart of the rushin culture I hope this helped you I have one too.

What is a 'matryoshka'?

They are nesting dolls, typically hand crafted an painted in Russia and the Ukrainian area.

Where did Russian Matryoshka dolls originate?

They are made by wood by carpenters in Russia.

What are Russian dolls name?

Russian dolls are known as matryoshka dolls. They are a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside the other. Matryoshka dolls are a popular souvenir and symbol of Russian culture.

What is the phobia of dolls and marionettes?

A fear of dolls is called Pediophobia.

Do BFC ink doll clothes fit moxie girlz dolls?

No because moxie girlz dolls are much more smaller.