Yes! Can you
More people uses bad words :D
A. The German language uses the Latin alphabet, just as English does, with the addition of a few special letters.
The English language is the first language in America. In Mexico it's Spanish.
The script of English language is Roman
english OR spanish .
India has the largest population that uses English as a second language. It is estimated that over 125 million people in India speak English as a second language.
Jamaica is the island country of the Greater Antilles that uses English as its official language.
check your answer
Shakespeare wrote in English, the same language I am using now. There is no such language as "Shakespearean language" or "Shakespeare language". It's English. A word like "then" is a building block of the English language and always means "then" when Shakespeare or any other English speaker uses it.
The United States does not have an official language at the federal level. English is the most widely spoken language, but there is no law designating it as the official language.
Hieroglyphics is a written language that uses characters/pictures. English uses letters and the letters create the Alphabet.
Try, Grandad.Africa uses an international language, usually know by the English as "English".
The Spanish language uses the same Latin (or Roman) alphabet that the English language uses. So, Anna would be Anna.
what are other kind of activities that use term from a language that is not english