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in my knowledge
computers might be a laptop, a size of a mobile and 200 gb memory because the first computers had a colassal glass monitor with a few kb memory!
and now a palm os
a laptop with more than 1 gb of memory form DELL

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17y ago
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10y ago

There is no way to tell how technology will change in the future. It likely advance greatly to help people live better lives.

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16y ago

Computer will basicly do everything for you just about. and one day they will become robots. and then they will take over the world

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16y ago

You'll get addicted that's what happened to me

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13y ago

they will probably be touch screen and smaller so they will be easier to travel with

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14y ago

they are gonna make a usb powered dog

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Q: What are the upcoming inventions in computers?
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He invented the microprocessor & it increases speed of computer:)He deals with lots of computers..All computers include one of his inventions:)Read more: How_did_Marcian_Hoff's_invention_change_computers

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