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Q: What are the types of dance important to the Kiowa and other tribes?
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Did the kiowa tribe trade with other tribes?

The Kiowas, like all other Plains groups, could easily communicate with other groups using sign language. This enabled them to trade their major commodities (buffalo hides, horn, sinew and dried buffalo meat) for foods and other items that they would not otherwise be able to obtain.Sometimes they traded for maize (Indian corn), dried pumpkin and beans from farming tribes; they traded with the Spanish and Mexicans for textiles and silver ornaments (different sized silver disks called conchos were very popular among the Kiowa); the Kiowa also had a good reputation for trading horses.

What was kiowa Indians food source?

Nothing, because they were nomadic hunter-gatherers, not farmers. The Kiowa did trade with other tribes for maize (Indian corn) and other foodstuffs, but otherwise only gathered wild plant foods and mainly ate the meat of buffalo and other game animals.

Where do the American Indians live today?

Native Americans live everywhere, North, South, East, and West.... and we are not just one group, there are many different tribes, even ones that I havent even heard of. Where I live in Oklahoma the main tribes that am surrounded by now are Comanche, Kiowa, Apache, Cheyenne, Seminole, Navajo, and some other tribes that I can not think of right now!!!! I myself am Kiowa, Cheyenne, and Navajo...

What Indian tribes formed a powerful confederacy with other tribes?

The Iroquois

How did slave traders capture their slaves?

They bought them from other African Tribes, And the other African Tribes Captured then in Wars

Related questions

Who did the sun dance when did they do the sun dance why was the sun dance important?

They did the sun dance in the summer. That is all I know. I am doing an project on the Kiowa at school so I know a lot more other stuff and I was not in charge of the tradition's! Their you go! The sun dance is a tradition,

Did the kiowa tribe trade with other tribes?

The Kiowas, like all other Plains groups, could easily communicate with other groups using sign language. This enabled them to trade their major commodities (buffalo hides, horn, sinew and dried buffalo meat) for foods and other items that they would not otherwise be able to obtain.Sometimes they traded for maize (Indian corn), dried pumpkin and beans from farming tribes; they traded with the Spanish and Mexicans for textiles and silver ornaments (different sized silver disks called conchos were very popular among the Kiowa); the Kiowa also had a good reputation for trading horses.

What was kiowa Indians food source?

Nothing, because they were nomadic hunter-gatherers, not farmers. The Kiowa did trade with other tribes for maize (Indian corn) and other foodstuffs, but otherwise only gathered wild plant foods and mainly ate the meat of buffalo and other game animals.

Where do the American Indians live today?

Native Americans live everywhere, North, South, East, and West.... and we are not just one group, there are many different tribes, even ones that I havent even heard of. Where I live in Oklahoma the main tribes that am surrounded by now are Comanche, Kiowa, Apache, Cheyenne, Seminole, Navajo, and some other tribes that I can not think of right now!!!! I myself am Kiowa, Cheyenne, and Navajo...

Why focus is important in dance?

Focus in dance is important so that you don't get sidetracked, so you remember your dance moves, and so you can be completely and fully aware of other dancers on the stage as well as yourself.

Navajo weapons and tools?

The Navajo tribe used spears and bow and arrows for weapons.

What did Kiowas eat?

The Kiowa Indians ate Fish and other stuff.the Kiowa natives also ate buffalo and used the skin to make tee-pees to live in.

What other tribes were in the Sioux Indian's region?

The Mandan and Hidatsa tribes lived in villages along the northern and eastern parts of the Sioux region. The Blackfeet lived along the northern and western edges. The Shoshone, Ute, Yap and many other tribes lived along the Rocky Mountains. The Osage lived immediately south of the South domain. Many tribes lived east of the Sioux region. There were no fixed borders. Many other Native American tribes came to the Sioux to trade or raid for bison. The Flathead (Kootenai), Nez Pierce, Paiute, Dine Navajo, Goshute, and Arapahoe tribes all traded with the Sioux on their western edge. Pawnee, Kiowa, Kansa, and Otoe tribes held the central and southern plains areas south of the Sioux.

Who were the Sioux Indians enemys?

Occasionally different Chinook groups would fight wars against each other, or against other Northwest Coastal tribes.

Did the kiowa tribe travel other than there land?

by roadways they made

How did Hopi Indians celebrate?

Arrow Renewal, the Sun Dance, the Animal Dance, and the Scalp Dance

What was one important accomplishment of Gengis Khan besides conquering other empires?

he united the mongolian tribes